I Wanted To

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Kristen POV:

I wanted to go over there. I wanted to stop her. I wanted to ask if she was okay. I wanted to hold her and tell her it'd be alright. I wanted to.

But I didn't. I sat there and I did nothing. I listened as she yelled, and her soft cries. I just listened. And did absolutely fucking nothing.

That afternoon when my shift was over, I went out of my office and thought about knocking on her door. I walked over to it.

Bringing my hand up to the door, I form a fist and as I'm about to knock I freeze. I felt as though all eyes were on me, my heart racing at the thought of hearing her voice again.

At the thought of, her chestnut eyes staring and getting lost in mine. The thought of her, making me feel warm and delighted by her presence in my mind.

With this, I slowly backed away from the door, making me bump into the oncoming person.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry" I apologized, turning to pick up the dropped papers.
"No worries" the guy said, neating up the stack. "You're Kristen, Lea's replacement, right?"

"That's me" I chuckled out. "You are.....?"

"I'm Steven, head of department for HR" he replied, extending his hand out.

Taking it in mine, I give it a hearty shake before redrawing.

"Well it's nice to meet you Steven. I was just heading out"

"Yea, yea no worries. I was actually heading out myself, I just need to submit these reports to Ms. Hamilton" he replied, shaking the papers in his hands.

Ms. Hamilton? I thought she let everyone call her Sierra.

"Wait for me?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows a little.

Nodding in agreement and with a smile, I let him pass and make my way down the stairs.

About 20 minutes later, I see him come down, with his bag in hand.

"Ah you waited" he said, making it to my side.

"I'm a woman of her word, what can I say" I laughed.

"Hey, are you busy right now or.....?" he inquired.

"Uhm" I began, looking down at my phone. "It's 3, you have till 4:30"

"Got it" he affirmed, doing a little salute.

Following him out the compound, we walk into a little pub not too far away from the office.

We sat there together for an hour, but it felt like an eternity. We were just chatting about different things. Like work and just life in general. Steven was a really cool guy. After fighting over who would pay for the check, we finally left and walked back to the office compound.

"It was fun meeting you Kristen" he smiled at me, walking me to my car.

"I could say the same" I replied, giving him a tired smile.

Before I knew it, he was right before me and his lips were on mine. Quickly backing away, I feel my body tense up and freeze.

"What the fuck did you-" I began, blinking away what I refused to believe to just happened. "Did you just kiss me?"

"Uh....yes....?" he responded, looking at me in confusion.

"I met you like 2 hours ago dude" I complained, throwing my hands up in the air.

"And.....?" he mumbled, walking closer to me, making me back away slowly.
"Yea no, get away" I pleaded, putting my hands up and turning away from him.
"Seriously? You're gonna do this?" he yelled at me, as I began to walk to the other side of my car, choosing not to respond.
"Kristen answer me damnit" he commanded, as I frantically opened the door and got in.
Realizing he'd lost, he gave up and went to his own car.

I sat in my car for a few minutes, completely disregarding what just happened, and contemplating my relationship with Sierra.

I mean, it couldn't be any more than a friendship, she's my boss..........temporarily.

No, no I am not getting involved with her at all. As far as I've believed I was straight, but then there she came along.

I felt like there was a force pulling me to her and I didn't know what it was but.......I liked it.

Smiling to myself lightly, I put the car in drive, and headed to Leo and Kayla's house to pick up April.

Kayla and Leo were my best friends. They were nothing close to what I had with Lea, but they were definitely in second place.

They were the first friends I made at school after we moved from Argentina, while Lea was simply my neighbor. I saw her everyday, even if I didn't want to.

They were roommates since our last year of high school. They were the inseparable, since they grew up together when Kayla's parents took Leo in after his parents died in a plane crash.

Pulling up outside, I walk up to the porch and knock on the door. April opened it. Not surprised.

"Momma!" she yelled running to me.

"Hi princess" I cooed, walking in and closing the door behind me.

"Leo why did my 4 year old open the door" I scolded, walking up on him in the kitchen.

"Hey, hey don't ask me Kayla's supposed to be watching her while I made her a snack" he defended, putting his hands up.

"Oh, what that Kayla?" I asked, pointing to Kayla on the couch, knocked out cold. "Yea, top tier babysitting"

Leo laughed and took out his phone, snapping a few pictures.

"I'm using these for her birthday" he smiled, proud of what he'd done.

"Oh boy" I sighed, amused by his actions.

"So April, how was your day sweetie" I asked, only to be met with silence.

Looking down to my shoulder, I see her head placed in the crook of my neck, and her thumb in her mouth. Out like a light. Smiling at the sight, I took her to their guest room and lay her down.
Walking back out, I meet Leo in the kitchen again.

"So how's you? How's the new job, new boss?" he asked, perching himself up on the counter.

"Well since I took up Lea's position, it's been a bit of a challenge" I began, sitting on the stool next to him.

"Mhmmm" he hummed, taking a sip from his glass. "Like you being head over heels for her boss"

"W-what no" I quipped, whipping my head to him

"Yea, you're not fooling anyone. I met Lea's boss at some event I went with her to. I thought she looked familiar at the bar" he explained. "Also the fact that your eyes sparkled when I mentioned her is all of my needed evidence. That and my gaydar"

Sighing at his revelation, I sat back and looked away.

"Now, what about her has you hooked?" he questioned, turning his entire body to me.

"Well....." I started
"Sierra......she just makes me feel safe. I feel drawn to her, and weirdly enough only after a few days. But really, can you blame me? She's absolutely gorgeous, anyone in their right mind would fall for her. Yet she seems like the type that gets what she wants, when she wants. It is so fucking hot. How she carried herself, and how she seemed vulnerable around me. At least that's what I like to think. And the way she looks at me with those eyes. Her eyes, Leo her eyes" I went on and on, and Leo just sat their fully knowing he was right.

Something about that woman had me hooked. And I loved it.

A/N: TA fun fact #2- Sierra was originally supposed to be a police officer, and Kristen was supposed to be the receptionist at their station, before I decided to switch to this.

Was this the better choice?

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