chapter 1

45 2 3

TW: violence


"Wake the FUCK UP" I hear the words before a body lands on me, causing me to groan and kick at the person who interrupted my precious sleep.
I peel my eyes open just to meet Emily's icy blue ones, who unfortunately belong to my roommate.

"If you don't get off of me in three seconds, i'll kick ur flat ass back to Michigan." She gasps and smacks the top of my head, hard.

I sigh, "That's it." before I grab her arm and twist so that I'm sitting on top of her with her arm behind her back.

"How do you like me now? Huh?" I mock her voice and she tries unsuccessfully to kick me off of her.

She yells out like she's dying, "Get off of me! You weigh like four hundred pounds!"

Well fuck you too.

I get off of her and flip her off before I head to my bathroom. I hear her footsteps leaving my room before my phone goes off.

Emily: We're going out with Hayden and Mac, try not to look like a whore <3.

I roll my eyes, This bitch. I step into the shower, I had classes all morning and immediately came home and went to bed. It's not my fault I need to recharge after classes, it's weird that Emily doesn't seem to ever sleep.

After washing my hair and my body, I wrap my fluffy white towel around my chest and step out of the shower, sighing when I hear Emily yelling some random crap about how we can't take our cars tonight.

I put on jeans and a cropped t shirt, I never know how to dress cause we never make actual plans, so I have absolutely no clue if we're going to a bar or someone's place. I walk into my bathroom and brush out my long brown hair, it dries straight so I don't really need to do it. I apply some mascara and lip gloss and lastly, I slip my knife into my bra.

I understand most people are instantly saying,  "Oh no why is she doing that", I honestly just don't want to die. My friend group is full of people with god complexes who don't believe they can get hurt, so I feel like I need to be prepared for when they're wrong.

After making my way to the kitchen, I roll my eyes when I watch Emily downing a shot.

"Really? You couldn't wait for me?" I grumble at her and reach for the bottle. Emily just laughs me off before my putting her long blonde hair into a clip. Taking the bottle, I press it to my lips before taking a big gulp. Alcohol always makes my chest feel cold, so I start feeling tingly immediately.

I turn and flick Emily in the arm, "What's the plan for tonight?" I assumed we were hanging at one of the guy's house since she was dressed similar to me, but I can never be sure.

Her smile turns into a smirk and I sigh, "I'm not going to remember tonight am I?" Emily's laugh fills the room up as I take another sip from the bottle, answering my question with just her laugh.


After Hayden and Mac came and grabbed us from our apartment, they led the way because we were walking to our destination. I have nothing against walking, I just strongly believe that cars were made for a reason, and that that extra exercise is going to cause me to live longer than I'd like to.

After a perilous 30 minutes of walking, the two guys and Emily turn and smile at me widely. I stop to try and understand what we're doing when I see it.

A fucking insane asylum.

My mouth drops before I turn to the three idiots next to me, "This is a joke right? Because I know you three dumbasses didn't just take me to an insane asylum at 11 o'clock at night!"

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