chapter 2

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Just assume violence is going to be in most chapters cause i'm going to put TW for more sensitive stuff from now on :)


My LOUD fucking mouth. Why did I say that? I'm just asking to die at this point.

The two stare at me.

"Did you both sneak out of the mute boarding school, or are you just idiots?", I ask them sarcastically.

I'm such a bitch.

The tall man kicks Shaggy to the floor, I decided to call him Shaggy.

I lift the gun and point it at the man who I'm sure I was destined to have sex with and keep my tone bored, "Put your gun down."

We stare each other down, and eventually he places his gun on the floor, his hands coming up in a surrender position.

His deep voice shakes me to my core, "Why don't you put the gun down before you hurt someone?"

I scoff, "I'm pretty sure that's the entire point of a gun."

His lips tilt up at the corner, giving me a smirk that instantly makes me angry.

"I just don't want you to accidentally fire it sweetheart, you wouldn't want to hurt yourself because you don't know how to handle one of those." He tries to smooth-talk me but really he's just aggravating me.

All men do is have the audacity.

I sit there and mentally debate what I should do, and then I smile sweetly. My voice comes out innocently, "You're right, what if I hurt one of us? I would just die!"

Shaggy speaks as he stands up, "Let me come grab my gun, and then we can get out of here, how's that sound?"

I smile sweetly once again, "Oh thank you so much, I'm just so scared."

He takes one step, another step.


"Now, I can show you how good my aim really is, or you can tell me what the hell is going on."

Shaggy grunts, holding his knee as blood seeps out of the wound.

He should know better than to try and take advantage of an innocent girl.

Tall guy studies me, looking me up and down before he lunges at me. Grabbing me by the waist and turning me so my back was against him, me now in a chokehold.

I prefer it here. Stop.

"One lucky shot doesn't automatically equal an assassin, you got too cocky." He whispers smoothly into my ear.

If "Earned it" by the Weeknd were to start playing right now, I would have no regret for the thoughts I am this close to acting on.

Instead, I have to be a big girl. Turning my head to look him in the eyes, I lean up like i'm going to whisper back, but instead I elbow him in the stomach, and then sweep his legs out from under him. I put my full weight on top of him, pulling his arms behind him and digging my knee into his spine.

Now I whisper into his ear, "Just because I shot him once doesn't make it lucky, it makes me trained right."

I watch his eyes widen as he struggles to get me off of him. Once again, I pick up the gun and trail it down the side of his face.

Finally, I drop the bitchy attitude I had picked up and spoke normally, "Now, you can explain why you ruined my evening."

Shaggy speaks up first, his high-pitched voice causing me to internally cringe. "He's crazy, he attacked me on the street, he's been chasing me and I ran in here to get away."

I get a feeling in my gut, I've always been able to decipher when people are lying, and his story doesn't sit right with me.

"What do you have to say about that sexy- I mean you?"

Fucking hell Jezebel.

"He's a part of a gang that is involved in child-trafficking."

There it is. I stare at the tall man, there is no hint of lying, just pure fury makes it's way onto his face.

Standing up, I let sexylicious roll over and stand up himself. He questions what I'm doing, but I've already set my mind. I stash the gun in the back of my jeans, and my knife tingles in my hand.

Walking over to Shaggy, I extend my hand, which he takes with a sly smile. Instead of helping him, I pull him up to meet my fist halfway. It effectively helps in knocking him back to the floor, where I lay another hit right to his nose. A satisfying crunch graces my ears and I place my knife against his neck, a sadistic grin on my face.

"I can spot a liar from ten miles away, confess and this will go a lot smoother for you." My voice is robotic now, this piece of shit doesn't deserve my anger.

Shaggy rolls his eyes at me, "It's good money for our men, and it's only a handful of girls no one will notice are missing."

Now that got me.

In a quick motion, I drive my knife into his shoulder. His scream is almost pleasurable, no wait, it is pleasurable.

"Are you religious?" I question him softly, letting him take his time to answer as he seems to be in pain.

He stutters out an answer, "I believe in Heaven and Hell, that-that's about it." He lets out a groan and gasps for air.

I nod my head, "Say hi to Satan for me."

I stab him in his carotid.

Taking a step back, and wiping my knife off on his shirt, I exhale shakily. I stumble into a body and jerk frantically around, forgetting that there's still danger.

"Woah woah woah, i'm not going to hurt you, I promise." Tall man's voice states steadily, grabbing my arms and holding me in place.

I stare at the ground, waiting for something to happen to me now that I'm a sitting duck.

Instead, he extends his hand towards me, "I'm Gabriele."

Hehehehhehehehe. Sorry i'm just so excited about this new story. Jezebel's got some umph to her doesn't she? I adore her character. Next chapter should be out soon! Thanks for reading loves.

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