chapter 9

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Gabriele's pov

Memories of the past always seem to sneak up on you when you least expect it. It's always the moments where you feel at peace, when you finally manage to feel content with everything that is going on around you, that it sneaks up on you. They prowl in the corners of your mind, waiting for the opportunity of vulnerability, and then they attack. It reminds me of the metaphor my father always used to use to teach Andrea and I the importance of always having our guard up.

The fish in the stream are minding their own business, they travel to where they need to be without making a scene, without impeding on other's business. Yet, the fish always seemed to be snatched up by the bear, killed with no mercy, no second thought for the life that was just taken.

We must always be on guard, and it's my fault for letting it down, however brief.

Jezebel was making us lunch, she was in her own world as she assembled the sandwiches. She had music playing, swaying her hips and spinning dramatically when "the good parts" of songs came on.

I've also taken notice to her random bursts of being completely uncoordinated. Bel would spin or take too big of a step and go tumbling to the floor, causing me to laugh at her incapability of basic movement. It was even more amusing when she'd pop back up with her cheeks tinted red and continue on with her moves.

It was adorable to say the least.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, eliciting a sigh of annoyance from me as I pulled it out of my pocket. My annoyance was washed away when I see that it was Rendall who called.

He left a message after I didn't answer: Capo, call me when you can, I found it.

My anxiety was skyrocketing as I unlocked my phone to reread the message. My eyes flitted from my phone to Bel and then back to my phone.

I let out a harsh breath, "Bel, I have to make a phone call really quick, I'll be right back."

She strolled over to me and gestured for me to crouch, and when I complied, she pressed a chaste kiss to my lips and smiled lazily.

My smile was there but it wasn't genuine, I was terrified of what Rendall could've dug up.

I stepped outside, closing the door with one hand and dialing Rendall's number with the other. It rang twice before he answered.

"Capo?" His voice sounds from the speaker.

I get straight to the point, "What'd you find."

The sigh that flowed from the other side of the phone didn't ease my nerves.

"Rendall," I barked at him.

"Non ti piacerà." He cautioned. (You're not going to like it)

"Giuro su Dio se non arrivi al punto." I fumed back at him. (I swear to God if you don't get to the point)

Rendall was silent before he spoke, "Her father was Thomas Sancton and her mother," he faltered but I already knew from her father's name, I just needed him to say it, "her mother is Evangeline."

I voiced the question I already knew, "American mafia?"

The line was silent.

My eyes squeezed shut as pure fury overwhelmed me, "Cazzo!" (Fuck)

"Jezebel works for them. Based on the information I got from the dipshits we intercepted, she was raised to be a soldier, she's been apart of the mafia since she could hold a gun."

I stood there dumbfounded, trying to make up any story that my brain would believe to make Jezebel innocent.

"I'm sorry Gabriele. What do you want us to-"

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