chapter 19

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Gabriele's pov

I woke up the next morning grinning like an absolute idiot.

She loves me.

That was my only thought through the entire night, and when she fell asleep before me I kept kissing her hair and admiring her. Everything about her was gorgeous, her soft tan skin, her long legs, the tattoos painting her skin that i've somehow never asked about, her long eyelashes that had me at my knees, and her full pink lips.

This woman had me by the balls and didn't even know it.

Pressing a kiss to her forehead, I got up quietly and made my way to the kitchen. My good mood didn't even falter when I saw all Rendall, Jackson, and Vain lounging on the barstools.

"Ragazzi del mattino." I said quickly before opening up the fridge to see what I could make my girl for breakfast. (Morning boys)

Vain spun in his chair, "Did someone put our shipment of coke in your toothpaste?"

I scowled at him, "Fuck off, I can be in a good mood."

Jackson furrowed his eyebrows at me, "You can, but you don't." Then he reached his hand up to feel my forehead, "He doesn't have a temperature, it's probably drugs."

The three men laugh as I just give them a dull look.

Vain put his hand up like he was in fucking middle school and I resisted the urge to smack him upside the head.

"What?" I bite out, already done with their jokes.

"We're having a party tonight- when I say we I mean yours truly, Jackson, Rendall, and Dior."

My hands were busy making Bel's favorite cereal in a bowl so I just looked at him, "Where and how does this concern me?"

Rendall giggles at me, "Cause you joyous dwarf, we wanted to see if you and il tuo splendido wanted to join us and our lovers." He wiggled his eyebrows at me, but I highly doubted he had someone to bring. (your gorgeous girl)

I began to decline but Bel's voice rang out through the kitchen, "We're fucking partying?"

Mentally slapping myself, she walks over and presses a kiss to my cheek as she rubs her eyes. I watch Vain's eyes travel over her body so I pull her shorts, that we're letting her ass hang out, down to cover up.

Vain sticks his tongue out at me and I narrow my eyes at him.

"Bambina, we don't have to, it's just going to be these jackasses getting drunk."

Her eyes lit up in excitement and she gave me a soft smile, making me groan as I give in.

"I forgot you're damn near an alcoholic." I sigh as I hand her the bowl.

Bel flips me off and takes the bowl, sitting herself in between Vain and Rendall with a knowing smile.

"We'll be there, make sure you can hold your alcohol cause i'm going to be out drinking every single one of you." Jezebel commented, making Rendall high five her and then give me a nod of approval.

Jackson taps Bel on the shoulder, "I don't think you've met Dior actually, she and Capo used to-"

"Well we better get going." I interrupt him, pulling the finished bowl from Bel's hands and turning to find her whispering in Jackson's ear.

They both laugh quietly at each other before they notice me watching them, Bel stands up and salutes me before turning and running out of the kitchen.

"I like her, she's feisty." Rendall comments and then yelps as I smack him upside the head.

Angelic AnnihilationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora