chapter 29

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Gabriele's pov

A chair gets thrown at the door as it opens, smashing to pieces and emitting a yell from whoever was coming in.

"What the fuck Gabriele?" The voice yells out after a few seconds.

I glance sideways briefly to assess that it's Jackson who's bothering me before I turn my attention back to my hands.

They itched to wrap around Evangeline's throat and squeeze until long after her heart stopped beating.

"Gabriele." Jackson says, his tone making it seem like it wasn't the first time he tried to capture my attention.

"Che cosa?" I bite out, this close to making Jackson the next thing that breaks against the door. (What?)

Jackson smacks the back on my head and I stand up swiftly, towering over him with murder in my mind.

"Look at the fucking mess, this isn't going to get Jezebel back." Jackson reasons with me before he shoulders past me and leaves the room.

I take a moment to look around and finally take in the damage I've caused. My desk and chairs were strewn around the room, most broken from the force I put behind the throws. My computer buzzed dangerously from time to time after I put my foot through it, and all the shelves were swept clean of their items.

I run my hands through my hair before fixing my clothes, my anger still swirling around in an unhealthy way. Then I had my mind set on exactly where I wanted to go, and more specifically, who I wanted to take my anger out on. My feet were leading me down the smooth dark wood floors, my shoes clacked in the silence of the house. I had my men dispersed to different safe houses while we lay low and figure out a plan. This house was only a reminder that I didn't have Jezebel here with me, her beautiful laugh would fill the house.

I pried the large, black painted door open and made my way to the basement. I set my face into a stoic one, not allowing this to be led by my emotions.

There she was, bound and gagged to a metal chair against the back wall.


Betrayal causes bile to rise in my throat and I had to turn to the cart which held multiple tools in an interrogation. I fiddled with them, straightening and correcting their placements until I could school my face into showing nothing.

When I turned, her blue eyes were glistening and despair showed plainly. I couldn't decipher if she was scared of me or hated herself. I stalked forwards and pulled the gag from her mouth before moving back and sitting, just watching her.


I put my hand up, "Do not address me as though we are friends."

A tear escaped her eyes but there was no speck of guilt inside of me.

"However much you hate me, I hate myself ten times more for what i've done. I didn't know Jezebel when it started, I just was trying to be useful for once to my mom. I'm sorry." Emily's voice broke as she clenched her eyes shut.

My jaw ticked, "You're sorry? The love of my life is being forced to face the horrors she had just started to escape, and you're sorry?" I spit the words at her, hoping they burn.

Her bottom lip wiggles, "I'll tell you everything about Evangeline, I'll help you get her back. Please, I just want her safe."

I stand instantly and pull my gun from my pants, pressing the metal object harshly against the traitor's forehead.

My hand trembled for the first time.

There was a part of me screaming that Jezebel wouldn't want this, she wouldn't want us pitted against one another, acting like barbaric wolves over the last piece of prey. The other side of me wanted someone else to hurt even a fraction of the hurt I was feeling.

It was as though Evangeline reached into my chest and ripped my heart from it. It felt like I hadn't stopped bleeding from that exact spot since I woke up and realized they had taken her deal.

The gun hit the floor with a thud and I ran my shaky hands through my now overgrown hair. Emily released an uneven breath while keeping her attention to her lap.

"Start talking." I growl out, trying to contain the furious feelings swirling in my head and chest.

Emily's piercing blue eyes lifted to meet mine, "When I was a kid, there was a story Evangeline would tell me and the other children." She trembled in her seat, "It was meant to keep us behaved, like how parents tell stories of the boogeyman or how Santa won't leave you presents if you're bad."

I swallowed roughly wanting to know it all, "Tell me then story."

"There was a little girl, she was only ever spoken of as Agent, with long brown hair and brown eyes," I felt my heart stop, "The girl never wanted to her mother, so her mom kept her locked up at all times. She wasn't allowed to leave her room unless she listened to orders. Evangeline told us that the girl was visited by bad people who would always show her that she was being bad, and if we listened hard enough at night, we could hear the echos of the agent's screams."

Emily bit her lip as tears cascaded down her cheeks, "I heard the screams once when I snuck out of my room after bedtime, and the sound scared me so much that I never left my room after bedtime ever again."

My heart wasn't just torn out of my chest, Evangeline was still squeezing it with all of her strength to make me feel the wrath of my decisions.

"You-," I had to stop and take a breath, "You heard Bel?"

Emily nodded once and I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, "What else?"

"We didn't know Jezebel was Agent Sancton, they kept the two names separate from one another and eventually told us she-she was executed for treason. Evangeline went by her maiden name, so I never pieced it together until Bel confided in me."

My eyes flickered around the room as I processed, "You did not know Bel was your sister?"

Emily's blonde hair swished as she shook her head quickly, "Not until Bel told me who her mother was, that was when I went dark to try and fix things."

I stood and collected a knife from the tray, turning and crouching down to Emily's height. She flinched back but then her surprise showed when I cut her hands and feet free.

Gesturing to her limbs I state, "I'm sorry that we tied you up."

Emily laughed humorlessly, "I deserve much worse."

I shake my head at her words, "You understand that she does not hate you for this? She wouldn't have given herself up if she did not care for you."

Emily's eyes darkened with despair, "Bel has always been utterly filled with love, from the day I met her, when she beat the shit out of this guy for trying to drug my drink. She took me home and never left my side again."

My lips twitched up into a ghost smile, "Then don't focus on what you could've changed when you can help us save her."

"We have to move fast, they want to eradicate any and all humanity from her as quickly as possible." Emily voiced, her tone set sternly.

I clenched my jaw, "Over my dead body."

"I would say we have less than a week Gabriele."

Defeat threatened to corrupt me, but I shoved it away, there would be no wallowing. I was going to her my girl back, and she'll be alive, safe, and her.

Motioning for Emily to stand, we made our way out of the basement before her footsteps halted behind me.

"We have to hur-" I began but cut myself off when I saw Emily's look of torment and the tears once again falling.

"I-I just remembered something." She whispered quietly.

I continued to watch her carefully, the pit in my stomach feeling heavier than anything I've ever carried. My chest began to constrict as she held her face between her hands and let out agonizing sobs.

"If Evangeline tells Bel, I don't think we'll ever get her back."


Wedgie in my booty feeling tight huh yah

Lmao what even

Anywho, ya i'm gonna let this play out cause i love drama.

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