chapter 16

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Jezebel's pov:

It was around 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Gabriele had seemed distracted for most of the day, he'd fidget with his fingers or my hair tie on his wrist, and he was being unbelievably clingy. I tried to ask him what was wrong, but he didn't give me a solid answer. So I left it alone, I hated being pestered when I was upset about dark shit.

We were on our way to Gabriele's house, and I was so excited. I've never been to his house, granted i've never been in his car before, which was nice. Nice is actually an understatement, this was a sleek, black Audi R8.

I never knew I could be sexually attracted to a car.

Gabriele was driving with one hand on the steering wheel, displaying the art on his hand for me to see. I'd never taken the time to look into them, sure I knew they were there and they made me horny, but I couldn't tell you exactly what they were.

The hand on the steering wheel had a rose in the middle on his hand, as though it was the center of attention. Running up the stem of the rose was a date, which couldn't be his birthday based on the year. Maybe it's the date his family died. His pinky, index, and middle finger were outlined with the skeletal structure of it. There were other tattoos inked perfectly into his skin, but what caught my attention was the one trailing from the bottom knuckle of his thumb to his wrist, it read "Continua così". It means keep going in Italian, and my heart throbbed at it.

I pick his hand on my thigh up and press it to my lips, trying my best to comfort him. Gabriele turns his head barely to give me a small smile before his attention went back to the road.


When I tell you I was expecting a house like mine, I wouldn't be lying. Maybe a little bigger since he's a Don, but my mind had imagined a discreet place. This was a fucking mansion.

"Maybe we stay here more often

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"Maybe we stay here more often." I say softly, but Gabriele hears it and laughs at me.

"It houses all of my men, it's not just for me." Gabriele explains before he pushes his door open and makes his way over to mine.

He gets upset when I don't let him open my door, and his little smile when I wait for him is too cute to pass up on.

Gabriele opens the large, curvy double doors and we make our way inside. I study the art that's hung up on the walls, they were beautiful. It was the type of art you wanted to stop and admire for a while, but the tug on my hand kept me moving.

I decided to look sexy today, a show of dominance to those who see women as nothing but background workers. I was wearing black leather pants that hugged my ass, and a black lace bodysuit that made my boobs look good. My shoes were strapped heels that showed off my feet.

Even though feet make me nauseous

I paired the outfit with stacked gold necklaces and gold hoops, and had my hair in soft beach waves. I knew I looked amazing, even if Gabriele hadn't told me the forty million times since i've gotten dressed.

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