chapter 28

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Jezebel's pov

"Belbel, come and look at this." My father's voice rang from somewhere hidden from me.

My bare feet pattered on the forest ground as I hurried towards the sound of my father. I giggled as I peered behind trees to try and spot him. I finally found him crouched down, softly prodding a beautiful patch of flowers.

My eyes widened with adoration, falling to my knees to get a better look at the mesmerizing herb.

"Isn't it beautiful?" My dad's gaze was now on me, warmth radiating from every inch of him.

I nodded rapidly, hoping to appease him in any way I can to relish this moment in any way.

"These flowers are rare, just like you baby."

Dad picked me up and sat back with me in his lap, leaving us to both stare at our own little secret.

"Let's take it home!" I say excitedly, wanting to be able to share these flowers with mom so we could all be happy.

Dad sighs, "We can't Bel, they'll live longer if we leave them here."

I sniffle, now scared I've upset my father by being so selfish to try and move the flowers.

Dad kisses the top of my head, "Don't cry, don't cry. We can come visit them whenever you want."

A smile breaks out on me face in response, "Why are these flowers so rare dad?"

"These flowers never grow in this part of the Earth, they're too stubborn, just like you," I giggle as he continues, "they've decided that there is something special here for them to be apart of."

I jump up, "It's the soil, isn't it?"

His deep laugh leaves him, "You're just like your mother, so practical. Nature works in wonderful and mysterious ways, they've decided that you are worth being around."

I cock my head in disbelief, "Dad are you trying to prank me?"

"I would never baby, I just want you to remember that you're more than what you know, you're a force to be reckoned with."

A shock goes through me that shoots me out of my slumber. I search around wildly until I can focus on the man in front of me, grinning sadistically with a bucket in hand.

Shivers broke through me, they had thrown ice water on me.

"So nice of you to wake up." The man taunts as he throws the bucket to the side.

I try to get up so I can beat his ass, but I'm pulled back to the wall. Now I'm trembling because of the fear instead of the cold.

"No, no, no." I whisper to myself as I yank on my shackles.

I was right back where I was years ago, chained to the wall and kept as a prisoner.

I kick and pull at the chains until I break skin and blood trickles down my wrists.

"It's no use, you're stuck here for the time being." The man grumbles as he sits in a chair a few feet away from me.

My eyes zero in on him and I lunge, I'm stopped right before I can get to him. He was just out of reach from me, and the frustration made me start pulling on the chains again.

"When I get out, you are going to suffer." I spit at him.

The man rolls his eyes and stands up again, and seconds later I'm being shocked with another downpour of icy water.

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