chapter 13

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Jezebel's pov

Gabriele stood in the doorway with a dumbfounded look on his face.

His tattooed hand runs through his hair, "Oh fuck, oh fuck fuck fuck."

I give him an innocent stare, "What's wrong dad?"

Gabriele's eyes widen and his hand covers his mouth as he continues looking at me.

A laugh bursts out of me before I can stop it, "Oh my god I wish you could see your face."

Sure it was mean, but he deserved it.

Gabriele's indigo eyes narrowed at me, "You little... You just gave me a heart attack."

Shrugging my shoulders, I shift uncomfortably on my legs, "It was the least I could do for how you manhandled me."

His stare softened, guilt engulfed his face, "You don't understand how sorry I am for that, that'll never happen again. I was blinded by rage. It's not an excuse, and I'll gladly make it up to you in every way I can."

I beckon him to come stand in front of me before I state, "Beg."

His head tips to the side in confusion.

Putting my hands on my hips, I continue, "If you want it that bad, say you're sorry and beg for my forgiveness."

It was like I was speaking a language he didn't understand as he frowned at me.

Imagine my surprise when he got down on his knees and grasped my hands in his.

"I'm sorry Jezebel, words can't describe how sorry I am, but can you please forgive me." He begs.

"No." I say boredly.

Perplexity clear on his face, I go and sit back on the hospital bed, patting the spot in front of me.

I explain further, "Explain what happened."

Gabriele nods before sitting before me, fiddling with the sleeves of his shirt. I softly take his hands and clasp them in between mine.

Speaking softly, "Why did you hurt me Gabriele?"

He looks away from me, shame making his cheeks tint pink.

"Your mother, she murdered my family. My mama, my father, my sister, and my sister's baby."

My mouth opened in shock and my hands stopped holding his. I knew that Evangeline was evil, but killing an entire family? For what possible reason? I thought I took the extent of her anger, but it seems that she had endless amounts of it.

Tears gathered in my eyes as I process his words. I would've killed him immediately if I thought he was apart of the people who killed my father.

"Don't cry please, it's breaking my heart. I'm so sorry," He pleads.

I shake my head, "How can you not hate me for what she did?"

Gabriele falters, like the thought never went through his mind, "I-I did when I thought you had a part in it, but you didn't and you killed those people that you've known for however long, it shows that you're not on either side."

The walls I've built up start to crumble, when he takes my face in his hands, brushing away my tears with his thumb.

Gabriele closes his eyes, "I just had to make sure you were okay, because I'd rather you know how sorry I am and be alive," his voice becomes hoarse, "because you're going to hate me when I kill Evangeline."

My insides seem to light up and I move closer to him, declaring it officially, "I'll help you."

Gabriele goes stiff and he pulls back to gape at me, "What?"

"You can kill her, but I want my fair share with her before you do," Nodding my head as I put it together.

His hands leave my face as he looks for something in my eyes.

"You want your mom dead?" Gabriele questions incredulously.

My knees slide up into my chest and I cross my arms around them, "I want Evangeline dead. I don't have a mother."

A sad look comes into his eyes, "What did she do to you?"

This question catches me off guard, even though I knew it was coming. If I tell him, who knows how he could react. But it could solidify my part in her death.

"The man I killed, the one who stabbed me," I take a deep breath, "Him, along with others that include Evangeline, did things to me that they could only pay for with their lives."

Gabriele hums, encouraging me to continue, "They tortured me, they brought me to the brink of death and back repeatedly. My- Evangeline encouraged them to do so, she only wanted for my mind to be numb so that she could use me as a soldier. The men would-," my hands begin to tremble but Gabriele grabs them and rubs soothing circles on my skin, "they would take advantage of me being chained up and powerless."

Shame washes over me, and I turn my head to the window so I didn't have to see the disgust from Gabriele.

Instead, he grips my chin with his fingers and turns my head, his eyes blazing with different emotions. My bottom lip quivers, I had never admitted what they did out loud.

I rub my eyes angrily to stop the tears, "It's fine, i'm fine."

Gabriele pulls me into his firm chest, his hand soothing my hair down.

"Then they will pay."

My eyes meet his, the nonverbal conversation between us settling our deal.

Gabriele pulls me into a sitting position in his lap, "I'm going to make those bastards pay for ever laying a finger on you."

My hands place themselves around his shoulders, "And I will make Evangeline pay for hurting you."

The energy between us was electric, we were both aware that our declarations weren't just about a war between mafias, it was us promising to try for each other.

My lips graze his timidly, hoping his feelings for me hadn't vanished after everything he knew.

I started to pull back, but Gabriele tugs me forward and kisses me hard. My legs move to either side of him as I straddle him and begin grinding on him as our heated kiss continues.

It was over way too soon as Gabriele rests his forehead against mine, "If we're on the subject of full disclosure, I'm not apart of the Italian mafia, I run it."

An exasperated breath leaves me, "Of course you do."

Gabriele chuckles as he lays back on the bed, pulling me flush against him, "Get some rest angel, I'll be right here when you wake up."


Damn we all out in the open right now

Jezebel summarized what happened to her during her time in the mafia because it's trauma. Opening up about details triggers her like most trauma does, so it'll take time for her to open up about it.

Let me know how you feel about it.

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