chapter 17

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Jezebel's pov

I was taught from a young age that women are seen as glorified sex objects and maids by men. Well, men who weren't brought up right. Despite the cold and distant nature of my mother while growing up, she taught me to stand up for myself, that women deserve to be in power just as much as men do.

I was a blubbering mess sitting on my dad's lap, he stroked my hair and tried to soothe fifteen year old me. It was no use. One of my father's men, brand new to the mafia, had grown angry that a prostitute was roaming the house and had her thrown into the cells downstairs with the rest of the killers we stored down there.

I was the prostitute. Fifteen year old me went to get a glass of water in the middle of the night, in the safety of her own home. Why should I be worried about what I wore? I was the mafia Don's daughter, no one would lay a hand on his precious daughter. My body was hidden under a oversized t shirt, it came down to my thighs.

I would never forget the paralyzing fear of being stared down by tortured and touch deprived humans. It was a blessing my father went to check on me before he went to bed. My mother killed the man who put me in the cells in front of me, for what I used to believe was an act of love, was really another technique to toughen me up.

Since then, Evangeline gave me multiple tasks to gain that sense of power and confidence, that I have a right as much as anyone else. Until I could believe it and act on it myself.

My lips curved up into a sadistic smile at the stupid man's words and the beast inside me took control, "Stupido uomo," I paused to let their surprise fade at my use of the language, "that plan will never work." (stupid man)

The man stands, "This is why we don't let people like you into meetings."

"Because of my skin, or because i'm a woman?" I cock my head to the side, watching his face turn red.

"You are a woman. You are not familiar with our way of work. You bring no helpful insight or strength to our team." The man spits at me, saliva spraying onto the table.

"Tsk tsk tsk," I tap my blade on the table and then put it under my chin to think, "Half of my brain would be more useful than yours in its entirety." I deadpan at him, making his face twist in rage.

The man stalks up to me and gets in my face, reaching to grab me, but my hand shoots out to stop him.

"If you put your hands on me, you will lose them. It's not a threat, it's a promise." It rolls off my tongue, my anger and disgust evident in my tone.

The man goes to sit before he reaches behind himself and reveals out his gun, only to drop it. The action makes men dive in different directions at the possible bullet that would fire when it landed. His screams fill the office as he clutches at his hand, my blade sticking out of the now bloody wrist.

I saunter over to him, pull the blade out, and wipe it clean on his shirt.

"Now why don't you be a good boy and sit." I taunt him as I push him back into his chair.

Gabriele stares at me, not a single emotion evident on his face. I ignore him and place both of my hands on the table, leaning forward.

"Here's the plan. I'll need a three centimeter bug that is capable of withstanding liquids, shocks, and hits. Vain," I bark at him to get his attention, "you're in charge of the bug, go and start on it now. Be sure that there's a mic in it and that it can be heard even if it's buried."

I scan the room for disagreement before I continue, "The first team in will be small, four at the most. We invade and cause a distraction, preferably destroy some things and make them piss their pants. We hack into their home base and set the impression we were looking for someone. After that, we use the information from their home base to get any and all leverage we can before proposing a deal with Evangeline," a few of the men wince at her name, "at the meeting we storm their base, take over and hold important beneficiaries hostage. Then, when the time comes and Evangeline is cornered, we take over."

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