chapter 10

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Jezebel's pov

I have been sitting on the floor of the shower for at least an hour now. My head rests on my arms which are folded over my knees. Trying to make myself as small as possible, I pull my knees closer to my chest and try to even my breathing.

It all happened so fast, one minute I was making lunch for us, and the next he was wringing my neck and screaming at me for reasons I'm not aware of.

He said I'm just like my mother.

That was what did it. After everything, I have always tried to be the opposite of her. I tried to be kind and generous and loving, something Evangeline could never understand.

My breathing hitched as my mind betrayed me.

The chains rattled as I thrashed in them, searching for any escape. My throat was raw from screaming for hours on end. I was long forgotten by everyone after I had been put in this cage.

I continued to yank at the chains, praying to anyone to help me out. The doors that kept me locked in this dark torture chamber were pushed open, letting the first light i've seen in hours into the room.

"What do you not understand by shut up?!" The voice was angry, and it immediately made me quiet.

"Not so tough now, huh?" I recognized the voice to be Samuel, another one of my mother's henchman.

His tattooed hand gripped my hair and yanked my head up, eliciting a scream from me. Immediately, his other hand smacked me across the face for my noise.

"You need to learn to be obedient. You seem to have a tough time understanding what it means." Samuel reveals his knife, placing the tip of it under my chin.

"I will break you into the mindless soldier you're meant to be." He growls into my ear before sliding the knife to my chest and kneeing me in the stomach, causing the blade to puncture my chest from me jolting forwards:

I cry out but that just encourages his punishments.

Samuel drags his nose to my hair where he inhales, "Maybe you need to make better use of that mouth of yours."

I jump in surprise at the arms that are gripping onto my waist.

I scream out, "No! No!"

The arms immediately stop and I curl into a ball on the shower floor.

"Babe, you're scaring me, let's get you dressed so we can get you in bed." Emily voice was soothing, making me peek up at her.

She gives me a tight smile before wrapping a towel around my waist, "Come on, if you get in bed you can stay there."

Shaking my head, she steps back and bites her lip as she thinks.

Coming to the conclusion that Emily let me be, I stayed in a ball on the floor for the next 20 minutes. That was, until I heard two other voices start speaking.

"Bel?" Mac's voice quietly questions.

"Bel, we're going to carry you to bed." Hayden states before they both move forward to help me up.

Sobs tore through me before they could haul me up, making everyone pause. My body shakes as more sobs rake through me, everything hurt.

Burn in hell Evangeline.

They lead me to my bed, making me sit on the edge as I continue my sniffling. Emily doesn't say a word as she pulls sweats up my legs and then slips a shirt over my head. She pushes me back to lay down in bed before covering me up with my blankets.

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