chapter 34

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Jezebel's pov

A painful grip on my arm causes me to turn and face the person.

Evangeline's face is still masked with a smile as she grits at me, "How are you feeling Agent?"

Maybe it was to humor her knowing I couldn't give a response, so all I did was continue to bore my stare into her haunting eyes. It seemed to satisfy her as she frees me from her claws and turns back to the audience.

"This is Agent Sancton," she allows a moment for people to critique me before continuing, "she is the first successful subject and will lead our studies on the others starting up."

My eyes fall back to the curly black haired man, watching him walk proudly to his seat before sitting. His dark blue meet my lifeless brown and I watch his jaw clench before he turns to speak to the person sitting behind him.


"We are aware that it's unbelievable what we have managed to do, so we've come equipped to give a free show for you guys tonight."

Those words catch my attention and I tilt my head slightly and keep my eyes cast downwards as everyone but Evangeline, the other announcer, and myself are the only ones left on stage.

"Agent Sancton, situate yourself on the left side of the stage please." The male announcer asks me, his authority clear despite his kind words.

I trudge over to the left side of the stage and watch Evangeline nod at me to sit, so I lower myself onto my knees and sit back on my heels. Heavy footsteps sound on the wood surface as a man is guided onto the stage, and I peer up to see another familiar face.


My heartbeat thumps in my ears as he gives me a sad smile.

He works for the American mafia, why is he up here?

"We have multiple guests who have volunteered to fight against our agent, it is up to you how they will fight." The male shouts as people become excited and the room becomes louder.

Evangeline kicks a black bag at me, and it slides until it slows to a stop right in front of me.

She then faces the crowd and yells out, "Weapons or hand to hand combat?"

I close my eyes and allow the noises to fade so I didn't have to hear people argue about how I would murder someone who used to be a friend.

Sukenyal crouches next to me, grabs me by the shoulders, and pulls me into his chest before whispering, "Take off your heels and throw them behind you, then you fight with everything in you."

That sickening stillness sweeps through me as I move robotically to undo and slide my heels off before the bloodlust sets in, leaving me to train my eyes on the back of Henlex.

Sukenyal leans in close to my ear, "They want to see how deadly you are with a weapon first, pick up the bag babygirl."

He disappears into the darkness of the curtains as I grasp the bag and dump the insides onto the floor. Two beautiful black blades with red rims add to my desire to watch blood spill.


I rise with my blades in hand, blatantly studying Henlex's body structure and positioning.


Henlex and I both step forward and circle one another, our movements slow and measured to draw an attack out of the other. Unfortunately for him, I've been known to strike first. My feet pound on the ground as I slide through his legs, slicing his calf before I jump up and connect my bare feet with his back. Successfully kicking him down to all fours and taking a deep breath as I watch his blood paint the floor.

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