chapter 4

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I haven't been able to get that woman out of my head. She effectively ruined and finished my job for me.

How had I never seen her before?

She was gorgeous. She had that silky brown hair, and the type of brown eyes that remind you of the forest. I was entranced immediately, but her actions are what sold it for me.

There was no hesitation in her shot, or the kill. It was terrifying to watch a person go as cold as she did as fast as she did. But she did, and it stunned me.

I want her.

I was currently sitting in my office, my god damn mafia fucked up the one thing I asked them to do while I was gone, don't fucking leave the house. But no, they all decided to get wasted at the bar on the corner and flirt with whores who were actually undercover agents for a rival mafia. So now I have to go back and handle all of the problems they've created.

But first...

"Rendall! Get your ass in here!" I shout, knowing he would get in here quickly.

I hear quick footsteps making their way towards my office before my door opens quickly.

"Sir?", Rendall questions me quietly.

Rendall is somewhat my favorite of the dumb fucks that are apart of my mafia, always funny at the right moments.

This time I spoke normally, not feeling the need to be as aggressive with just Rendall, "I need you to find a person for me, but I don't know a name."

I sighed, rubbing my hands through my hair.

How am I going to find her?

Rendall nods at me, looking unsure, "I'll do my best sir, do you have a description?"

A grin spreads across my face, "Long brown hair, brown eyes, around the 5'7-5'10 range, absolutely vicious. She might be trained in combat."

My eyes trail to Rendall, seeing a huge grin on his face.

He drawls it out, "Sooooo, it's a girl that you're so keen on me finding?"

"You have four seconds to leave before I shoot you," I grit out.

This is what I get for trying to be nice.

His grin grows, "Is she hot?"


"I was just ask-"


"You're so dramatic."


I pull my gun out slowly and cock it, and I hear the door slam shut as Rendall runs out of the room.

His voice echos from across the hallway, enlightening everyone in the house, "Gabriele D'Angelo? How about Gabriele D'Angeloveeeee."

That fucker.

I stand up and open my door, aiming at his door down the hallway before I take a shot.

Satisfied by the scream I hear, I set my gun on the table, groaning when I hear footsteps once again.

A knock on my door sounds off, and I mutter a 'come in', and guilt floods me as Rendall gets carried in by Jackson.

"You shot me you motherfucker," he rasps out at me as he clutches his leg.

I immediately grab my phone for our doctor and I hear fucking giggles coming from the two men in front of me.

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