chapter 5

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The question hung in the air between us, my anxiety starting to build the longer his eyes travelled my body, like he was taking in a fine art.

"We're not at a museum, Gabriele," I said softly to try and capture his attention, "so stop staring at me like I'm an art piece hung up for your viewing."

His eyes flicked up to mine and a grin formed on his face before he shrugged nonchalantly, having no shame in how he was staring. "Time."

I shook my head and narrowed my eyes at him to signal my confusion.

Gabriele motioned with his hands between us, "Time with you, I want to know you."

My eyebrow immediately shot up, "Killers turn you on or something?"

That same shit-eating grin reflected largely back at me, "Something like that." His shoulders shrugged and he slipped his hands into his pockets as I tried to figure out his game here.

"You..." Gabriele trailed off as though he didn't know how to word what he wanted to say, "you fascinate me."

A scoff escaped my lips before I could stop it, "Fascinating? Do you want me to write some fun facts about me on a piece of paper?"

This is so odd, what is happening right now. This man wants to hang out with me after seeing me murder Shaggy in cold blood.

I shudder at the memory of his lifeless eyes staring back at me. I shoved the memories back, they did nothing to help me so I filed them away.

Gabriele's tongue pushed into his cheek and I took a breath as his words came out roughly, "Watch your mouth angel, it's going to get you in trouble."

Woah baby

I smiled cheekily at him, "I think my mouth will do as it pleases, seeing as I do not give a single fuck about what bothers you." I pronounced my words slowly and kept that smile on my face to piss him off as much as I could.

His hand was quicker than my eyes, as it was wrapped around my throat before I could process it. I let out a small squeak of surprise but was internally more surprised at how he wasn't trying to hurt me.

Gabriele brought my face close to his and leaned down to my ear, "I would love to see what all your mouth pleases to do, but I also don't appreciate disrespect when I could've killed you or turned you in yesterday."

I shuddered as his voice sent shivers down my spine.

Cue Talk Dirty to Me by Jason Derulo

Instead, I pushed off of him and glared at him, "Who said you were capable of killing me?"

His agitated demeanor didn't falter as he rolled his eyes at me.

"All i'm asking for is time with you, does it truly scare you that much that to let people close to you?" Gabriele murmured to me.

I stepped back as though I was slapped. It did terrify me to let people in, my only friends were the three people inside my house, and even then they only knew so much about me. I was taught to keep myself distant from everyone, wether it was intentional or not is still being determined, but my mother forced these ideals of how to act as a person onto me as soon as I was able to think. There was never a friend in the house to keep me company, there was never affection from my mother or any of the other adults that were in my life.

I narrow my eyes, "Don't fucking psycho analyze me."

His hand moves to pinch the bridge of his nose, and he lets out a deep breath. I roll my eyes at the small amount of guilt he made me feel.

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