chapter 21

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Gabriele's pov

My mind was not one of easy conquering. It once was when my family was around. I used to be told I was kind and caring and way too trusting to those who didn't deserve it. But then again, why wouldn't I be? Never having been burned before, my parents kept me safely between the world and the sun, flying steadily between the two.

Except now I was referenced to as ruthless and cruel. There was no room for mistakes, and I pounded out errors with such fervor to exempt myself from any other pain in my life. No one would break the gates in my mind, behind the gates was the unbearable pain that wanted to pour out.

Now the gates held back fear as well. It had never been an emotion I felt often, I didn't care enough about others or myself to feel that paralyzing feeling I did when my family was destroyed in front of me.

I've felt fear twice in my life now since the incident with my family and Evangeline's cruel actions.

One was when I saw Bel crumble in front of everyone, the life draining from her eyes the longer I looked into them. I never thought I would feel so out of control again, but my panic was sweeping me up in waves during that car ride to the hospital.

The other was a constant fear, one I knew was inescapable. Evangeline. She would tear Jezebel down to nothing if she succeeds in trapping Bel back to the cage she once lived in. I've seen the feral look in her eyes when the topic is brought to light, how her eyes glaze over as she remembers the cage that haunted her mind.

The ferocity of my protectiveness is what leads me to do what I knew would piss her off. I made my way from the foyer to Vain's office to see how his work was going. It was a sleek room, filled with the technology he could influence so effortlessly. Vain sat hunched over his desk with his flashlight glasses on, his fingers carefully working the small black object resting on the surface of his glass table.

Vain barely spares me a glance, "Something I can do for you boss?"

"Actually yes, I have an order for you." I kept my voice level, not letting him have any indication of my emotionally based command.

Vain sets his tools down carefully and runs his hands through his hair, "What do you need?"

"When you're finished with that bug, you are prohibited from giving it to Agent Sancton."

Our eyes met and I could see the coldness that clouded his face. He knew just as well as I did that Jezebel specifically asked to be the one implanted with that bug, hell, she's the one who designed it.

"You know she will be furious with the both of us." Vain breaks the tension of our staring contest, his voice thick with disappointment.

I sigh and cross my arms, "She'll be too emotional with this, and it's crucial we do this right."

"Are you positive she's the one getting emotional here?" Vain challenged me, pushing me to be a friend right now, not his boss.

My jaw ticks, "Do not give her that bug. Under any circumstances."

Vain shakes his head, "You're taking her chance to be apart of this, she deserves this more than anyone. Stop letting you're fear of her being hurt again cloud the fact that she is a better fighter and strategist than both of us."

I set my jaw, and Vain's eyes harden when he realizes that the conversation is over, there was no room for his to argue.

"Qualunque cosa tu dica, capo." He seethes out at me, mocking my cold exterior. (whatever you say boss).

My hand slaps the table he's working on, "Watch yourself, I'm still your boss."

Vain glares up at me with emotion I couldn't place, "Get out. I'm working on the bug your girlfriend made and planned out."

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