chapter 14

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Gabriele's pov

My thoughts on women being difficult had never been proven more true. What is with the feminine urge to constantly bicker and do what they want?

The doctor had told Jezebel she had to stay in the hospital for another two days at least, just to make sure her wounds stayed closed. Jezebel didn't like that answer. At all. Anytime the doctor or any nurses came in, it turned into Jezebel making their jobs much harder than needed or she cussed them out until they hurried out of the room.

I almost threw a party when it came time for her to be released.

Granted, she swatted me away when I tried to help her walk or stand literally anywhere, even though she was in obvious pain.

She almost strangled the nurse when she pulled a wheelchair into the room.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as she stumbled out of the doors of the hospital, "Mia dio donna." (My god woman).

Her glare shut me up, and I rolled my eyes before opening the car door for her.

The drive back was rather quiet, Bel seemed stuck in her own thoughts.

"You okay?" I ask lowly, hoping she would confide in me about whatever was bothering her.

She hummed at me, not realizing I asked her a question that she needed to respond to. Sighing, I grab her hand and kiss the back of it, just trying to let her know I was here.

When I pulled up to her house, it was a race to her side of the car before she could injure herself trying to do it herself.

"I'm going to kick your ass you donkey faced brute!"

My head whips to the house to see Emily storming out with a rolling pin. She stalks her way up to me and then starts beating me with the rolling pin.

"You think you can just kidnap my best friend?!"

Her movements pause as she finally takes a look at Bel, who's eyes were scrunched in pain.

Emily drops the rolling pin and puts her shoulder under Jezebel's arm as support, "Babe what'd he do to you?"

Saved her life thank you very much.

"He didn't do anything to me, c'mon help me inside." Jezebel mutters back.

Taking the initiative, I scoop Jezebel into my arms, cradling her like a big baby as I make my way inside.

I go straight to her room and dump her on the bed, "I swear to God if you move from the spot I will tie you up there."

Bel smirks at me.

My hand drags itself down my face in exasperation, "You have to heal. You can't fight if you're constantly tearing your stitches open."

She pouts at me, "I'm basically healed, I'm sick of sitting around. TPWWR hasn't heard back from me and they'll send people if I keep up with the radio silence."

"No." I say sternly, making her eyes narrow.

Bel's hand trails up my thigh, "But I feel so much better already," her hand continues to drag dangerously close to me dick, "I'll prove it."

I grip her hand gently and slide it back into her lap, "Nice try, angel."

Her arms cross over her chest and she looks away from me while grumbling about how she's gonna cut my dick off.

An actual child.

"I'm going to go get you some water and your meds, yes?" I don't wait for her to respond and instead venture into the kitchen.

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