Meeting you for the first time - Choi San & Song Mingi

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San was always a good kid. He attending all of his classes, was extremely polite, helped his parents as much as he could. He had been raised that way and he was more than happy that he was. He didn't mind going to school and studying but there was one thing that he knew he always wanted: he wanted to work on the music industry. He wanted to become an Idol. He knew that, and his parents did too. Of course they worried about whether or not he would be able to handle it. Their little boy, their polite boy. Nevertheless, of course, given the chance they let him go and audition for a company in Seoul. San was nervous when the day finally came around. Well....nervous wasn't even the exact word for it. He was so nervous, he didn't notice the person that had taken a seat next to him.

You had a similar dream to San, wanting to hopefully become an Idol. You had not told anyone that you would be taking part in this audition, as you figured your so called friends would not support you anyways. They always did like to mention that you simply did not have the right look to be an Idol, didn't look the part. These words would always hurt you deeply, but you were determined to believe in yourself and still try out. You were probably just as nervous as San. As you finally looked over, you noticed an all too familiar look on his face. The look of pure nerves. You pondered for a while before finally speaking up "Is this your first audition?" you asked the boy next to you. San finally looked up from his lap and looked over at you giving you a small nod. You gave him a comforting smile "Mine too.....I'm (y/n)" you introduced yourself holding out your hand. For some reason your kind gesture, made San feel a little less nervous. " San" he responded as he shook your hand. "Are you here alone?" you asked him in order to keep the conversation going and hopefully help make both your nerves settle. San shook his head "Thankfully not, my parents are waiting for me outside. What about you? Did your parents come?" he asked, simply assuming you had been brought by your parents.

For some reason, his innocent question, made you sad " No, I came along. I live nearby so I came on my own. My parents are both working they couldn't come" you explained softly, trying to not show how saddened you were by the fact your parents just could not be present. San nodded in an understanding manner "I see....well I came from Namhae, and my parents wouldn't want me travelling alone so. What about your friends?" he inquired but quickly regretted it, as he saw the sadness appear in your eyes. You shook your head as you glanced at your own hands "Oh, uhm, no. My friends...they don't really think that I....look like I could be an Idol. They don't even know I'm here so" you responded, trying to play it off. San being the sweetheart he was, was quick to place a hand on yours "They don't know what they are talking about. I think you look the part. YOu're beautiful, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I'm sure you are going to do absolutely incredible" He exclaimed with a smile. This small yet sweet gesture, brought a smile to your face. You looked at the boy with a thankful look. San was doing his best to ignore how your smile was making his heart race, he simply attributed this to his growing nerves. Soon enough his name was being called and he let go of your hand. "Good luck San....I know you are going to do really good!" You told him.

It's been years since you met each other, while it didn't work out for you, it certainly did for San and you aren't mad that it didn't work out because you gained something even better that day. A friend for life: Choi San. While for San, his dream came true, he would always be thankful because he felt like he met his soulmate that day. To this day, you still make his heart race as you did that day, you just don't know it yet. Jongho was watching San stare at his phone once again "San....San.....SAN" he screamed getting his hyungs attention. "You need to stop staring at your phone like that, just ask them out already" he said shaking his head at the older male.

 "You need to stop staring at your phone like that, just ask them out already" he said shaking his head at the older male

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It was a rainy day in Seoul, the Ateez boys had they day off and were just spending their day inside, there really wasn't much to do outside anyways, with all this rain. Hongjoong was as per usual on his laptop, writing away and working on some files for their upcoming comeback. Seonghwa was cleaning the mess Wooyoung had created in the kitchen. Yunho was now playing video games with San and Wooyoung. Yeosang and Jongho were both in their rooms, probably catching up on sleep. Mingi had been sitting on the couch watching his friends, bit he was starting to get bored. He considered for a little while before getting up and heading to his room. He grabbed his coat, his hat and a facemask before heading to the door. "I'm heading out I'll be back in a couple of hours, if you need anything from the grocery store text me" he announced as he put on his shoes and before they could even reply he was out of the door. Mingi loved his members but sometimes he just needed some alone time in order to keep himself sane.

The boy started walking with no particular destination but he eventually found himself in front of a book store and he had always been quite fond of a good book, so without any hesitation, he headed inside closing his umbrella and leaving it by the entrance. He bowed lightly as a greeting to the man behind the counter before he started walking around. He looked at all the books, wondering what he was wanting to read next. Eventually however he spotted someone holding on to one of his favorite books and being the bold guy he could sometimes be he decided to speak up "That is a wonderful book. One of my favorites" He said as he approached you.

You looked up from the book in your hands and gave the taller man a smile, feeling somewhat intimidated by his size "Really? I have been looking at it for a few minutes now, unsure of whether I should take it or not. I really enjoying a good book, when it's rainy outside. I know a lot of people our age would consider it as lame but...something about sitting on the couch, under a nice warm blanket, with a cup of tea and a good book, is just one of my favorite things to do" You said, somewhat embarrassed about the fact you were speaking so freely to this person, yet you couldn't help yourself since he radiated comfort. Mingi smiled lightly before slightly lowering his mask, to show off his cute smile "I honestly could not agree more with you. I'm Mingi" he said but the way your eyes had widened you already knew that. You were starstruck. Of course you knew who he was. You cleared your throat and smiled "Nice meeting you Mingi. I'm (y/n)" You said deciding to act like you don't actually know who he is and make a fool out of yourself. Mingi couldn't help but lightly giggle. "Oh come on. You clearly recognized me, it's fine. I do appreciate you acting so calm. It's....a nice change" he admitted. Mingi felt extremely comfortable around you, and he couldn't really explain why. "So any other books you recommend?" you asked him, not quite feeling ready to go separate was and honestly Mingi felt the exact same way.

The next couple of hours, you and Mingi spent, getting a few books together, then heading to the nearest convenience store where you sat down and had some warm food together. The afternoon was amazing, that was until his phone started ringing. He quickly apologized but picked up. "Mingi! Where are you? We are worried sick!" Seonghwa's voice echoed from the phone which made you giggle. Mingi then realized it had gotten dark outside and he had been out for hours "Sorry hyung. I'll be home soon and with that he hung up. "Sorry about that...I didn't realize how long we had been out" he apologized. "Don't worry about it. Go" You said softly, but before he left he made sure to leave his number and clarify that you should text him. You chuckled to yourself watching him rush out.

 You chuckled to yourself watching him rush out

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