Best Thing I Never Had - Choi San (Smut)

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This was it

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This was it. This was the happiest day of your life. Well.... it was supposed to be the happiest day of your life. You did love your fiancee, dearly. But a few weeks ago, something happened and you could never truly shake it. While on a run to the grocery store, you had happened to run into an old friend. Honestly, he was more than old friend, he was your first love. Choi San. You could never truly get over him. It's not that you ended on bad terms, not at all actually. You guys broke up because he wanted to follow his dream of becoming an idol and you wanted to support him as much as you. Back then you had a very long conversation, and you both decided to break up. Neither of you wanted to end up hurt so breaking up seemed like the right way to prevent this. You had agreed to stay in touch but, with how busy he got, the calls turned into texts, and the texts turned into nothing. You stood there, in your white dress, replaying the talk you had with him a few weeks ago at the coffee shop.

- flashback -

"Thank you for inviting me for coffee San" you said kindly to the man sitting in front of you. He had certainly grown up and he seemed happy, which made you happy.

"please it was the least I could after ghosting you back then because of work. I was so happy to see you at the store. You look incredibly and most importantly you look happy" San said with a smile. You knew his words were genuine, he was just the kind of person to be happy for everyone else. "So how has life been treating you?" he asked as he took a sip from his coffee.

You smiled and thought for a second "well pretty nicely. College was....something. Got a job. Got my own place. Now I'm engaged. Getting married in a few weeks. I'd say it's going good. How about you? Is there a Mrs.Choi San?" you asked in a playful tone, not meaning any harm at all.

San chuckled and shook his head "Congratulations. And no. I mean I don't really have time and if I'm being very honest with you and myself....I never really got over you. I can't really explain it but....even if I tried dating...they just weren't you. I always though...I'd see you walking down the aisle in a white dress....towards me, but life has it's way. I know it sounds really stupid but it doesn't matter. I wish you the best and I really do hope we can stay friends?" he said hopeful. San was not the type of man to snatch a woman away from someone else.

You stared at him in surprise and in that moment, it was as if every single emotion you had bottled up for this man came pouring out but you refused to do something about it. You were engaged. You loved your fiancee. You gave him a smile and nodded "I would love to stay friends San. By the way I went to see you guys in concert a while back with a few friends and let me tell you..." you proceed to spend the rest of the afternoon with San just talking about him and the boys and how incredible he was on stage.

-end of flashback-

You were pulled out of your thoughts by a knock on your door. Your bridesmaid came in "hey you alright? You seem a little off? Got cold feet?" she joked.

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