1 step forward, 3 steps back - Park Seonghwa

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Dating an Idol was not easy. You knew that beforehand and you of course never imagined you would be in the situation, where you'd be dating an Idol yourself. Yet, here you were at the restaurant, for the past 2 hours, and your boyfriend was a no-show. You met Seonghwa in his pre-debut days. He was handsome and most importantly, very kind. You, were working for KQ at the time as an Intern. You and Seonghwa immediately hit it off and while at first you refused to date him, to keep your job and to keep him out of trouble, after you finished your internship and decided to pursue Law in college, and after Seonghwa convinced the manager and CEO that you'd be good for him, you decided to give him a chance. This was 3 years ago and you felt very lucky to have a boyfriend like Seonghwa. However, after their debut, they quickly gained on popularity, and you were not at all mad about it. If anything, you were so extremely proud of him and the boys, you adored them all. Their quick rise however, had a toll on your relationship. You didn't get to see him a whole lot, since he was so busy and since you were equally as busy. This wasn't what bothered you, what did bother you was that this past year, whenever you did see each other, you would always end up fighting. If you guys were at the dorms, and you were supposed to watch a movie or something, Seonghwa would eventually get up and just go clean or take care of his members and leave you alone, which led to you being upset and leaving, which then would lead to a fight. The boys had noticed the tension and they had tried to talk to Seonghwa, which worked temporarily. You guys would make up and every time you would think, you were finally taking a step forward, you always ended up taking about 3 steps back. This was the last straw. It was your 3 year anniversary, Seonghwa had made reservations for the both of you at this nice place, and you were now sitting here alone at 10 p.m. You finally gathered your things and apologized to the staff of the restaurant for wasting their time before taking a cab to your place. You walked up to your door, in the exact moment your cell phone started ringing. As you checked the ID, you saw it was your boyfriend, and just shook your head before declining the call. The last thing you wanted was to talk to him right now. You headed inside and immediately went to get ready for bed ignoring any calls or messages you got for the rest of the night.


You woke up as your alarm went off at 10, it was Sunday, so you didn't have any classes and you also didn't have any plans for today. You got out of bed and went to take a shower, before heading to your kitchen and making breakfast for yourself. Now, you finally decided to go through the texts you got last night and this morning. Starting with Seonghwa's texts.

'Babe. Where are you? I'm at the restaurant?'

'Babe pick up. I'm worried. Where are you?'

'(y/n). Why did you leave? I know I was late but I promised I was coming.'

'I'm coming over.'

'Open the door. Please'

'Please. Don't be mad at me, open the door '

You shook your head at his text chain. He really didn't see what he did wrong. the next few texts were from the boys.

Mingi: 'Hey Shorty. Seonghwa just came home crying. Did something happen? Are you okay?'

Yeosang: 'You know you are the only person I actually tolerate but what happened between you and Seonghwa?'

Jongho: 'I'm guessing you weren't too happy about Seonghwa-hyung being late again? Please call me when you can. I am worried about you guys.'

Hongjoong: 'Listen. I know you're mad at Seonghwa. I know things have not been going well, but he loves you and he really is sorry. Please call me. Let's meet up and talk about it, I wanna help'

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