1, 2, 3 - Choi San

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Very very small prompt, but imagine this:

You are getting home from a long day of work.

You are exhausted, from being at work all day.

You are happy to finally be home, and the moment you walk in, the warmth of your home embraces you.

You hear sounds coming from your bedroom and decide to head there.

It is dark in the hallway but there is light coming from your bedroom.

You open the door carefully and lean on the door frame, smiling at the sight.

You see your husband, sitting by the window with your daughter on his lap.

They seem to be counting the stars.

"1, 2, 3,....Daddy there are too many" Your daughter complains leaning into your husband's chest.

He chuckles and rubs her small back "there truly are. let's try sleeping again yeah? I'm sure you'll be able to fall asleep this time" he tells her as he picks up her significantly smaller body and heads for the door.

He sees you and smiles "Look who's home" he whispers to your daughter.

"Hey baby" You take your daughter into your arms and peck your husband's lips "Can't sleep?"

San shook his head "Couldn't sleep because mom wasn't home" He told you.

You nodded "Mom's home now" you tell your daughter, as your husband takes you both into an embrace.

You nodded "Mom's home now" you tell your daughter, as your husband takes you both into an embrace

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