I Know I Love You - Their Confessions (Choi San & Song Mingi)

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Choi San:

The boys had some time and you had been invited to go to Jeju Island with them. They wanted to have a little down time away from Seoul and while you thought that was a great idea and most definitely supported them taking time for themselves, you weren't really sure about you going along. It was long conversation of you trying to explain to them that they needed this time for themselves and them replying with 'It just won't be the same without you' . San was the one who was insisting the most, and of course they all knew you could never say no to San, so when you were on your last argument, ready to leave with a simply no, they used San as if he was their secret weapon. They got what they wanted because here you were, with the boys, in Jeju, arriving at the house, KQ had been so kind to acquire for the boys to enjoy their vacation. You looked up at the place before you all headed inside.

"It is perfect! These are going to be the best two weeks ever!" Wooyoung cheered as they all headed straight to the kitchen. You had to shake your head at their behaviour. Of course these grown men would check the kitchen for snacks first, it wouldn't be Ateez if they didn't. You decided to take your bag and head on up to check the bedrooms. You wanted to be able to picks your first, however, you were surprised that there were only 4 bedrooms. You stood still in the hallway for a second, considering your next move carefully.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Seonghwa's voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You looked at him and gave him a kind smile.

"Oh I was just thinking of what to do, since there are only 4 bedrooms."

"Well. I know Hongjoong will be sharing a room with me, I don't think he could handle the other boys and I want to actually keep him from working. He doesn't seem to understand the concept of time off. Yunho and Mingi have been dying to share a room with each other, since Mingi just came back. I'm guessing that leaves Wooyoung with either San or Yeosang. He's deeply terrified of annoying Jongho too much" He chuckled to himself and you had to chuckle too.

"Wooyoung will be sharing a room with both Yeosang and Jongho " San announced as he came up the stairs joining his hyung and you. "Meaning you and I will be sharing a room. I hope that's okay. I just figured I'd talk to them, since you and I are the closest. And there is the one room with a double bed and a single bed so" he looked down at your smaller form and you nodded lightly. You actually felt slightly relived. You and San had known each other since before he became an Idol so honestly that was perfect. San smiled. "Come on then" he walked to one of the rooms and you followed. Seonghwa watched the two of you, this would get really interesting.


You guys had been on vacation for about a week now and it had been the time of your life. You were glad you agreed to come and of course the boys would not miss the chance to tease you about it. Sharing a room with San was actually really nice, not that you doubted it. You guys would spend the night cuddling, and talking and it was just perfect. Everyone had noticed that the two of you were more attached to each other than usual, but you didn't seem to notice that. Tonight you guys had all agreed it would be fun to stay at the beach until after sunset. You guys wanted to experience the sunset together. You were sitting in the sand, watching the boys mess in the water. You couldn't help but laugh and take a few pictures of them. They looked so happy and it made you happy. San eventually came up and sat beside you, but he didn't say anything, he just watched you with a smile.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Isn't it obvious? Because I like you silly" He responded by poking the tip of your nose. You looked at him surprised by his blunt confession.

"Well I like you too. You're my friend Sannie" He chuckled and shook his head.

"Clearly you don't get it. Let me elaborate" He said before leaning closer to you and looking into your eyes "If you want me to stop, tell me" He whispered, but you just shook your head. He smiled and connected your lips, for a short moment, but it was more than enough to clarify it. He pulled away and looked at you again with a smile. "Clearer now?"

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