18 - Jung Wooyoung

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Jung Wooyoung. You were no stranger to that name. You and Wooyoung knew each other from school. Did you like each other? No. If anything you kind of despised each other. You see, the thing is, while Wooyoung was a wonderful dancer, so were you, but he was the one who always got recognized in the dance team not you. Sure, you shouldn't be bitter about it, but you can't help it when you are the one behind so many choreographies your group has performed and yet Wooyoung keeps receiving all the praise. This of course lead to quite a bit of rivalry between the two of you which also meant you were not friends. You did not talk to each other unless absolutely necessary and you were never around each other. This went on for years until the both of you graduated and you thought that was it. You thought it was over, and you would never have to see Jung Wooyoung again. Oh, how terribly wrong you were.

You had heard about this group called Ateez. They debuted in 2018 and you heard their songs, but you never really had the chance to take a look at their videos. You were a busy person. While in school you were already a trainee but never told anyone. After you graduated, you had the chance of debuting in a girl group called Effects, also in 2018. There were 5 of you and you had a good start. The past years had been going quite well. The group was doing good, you and the girls all got along and formed a tight sisterhood; if one of you was down you all were. You and the group had been nominated for an award show and you had also been asked to do a collaborative stage with a few other dancers from other groups. You had no knowledge of who was involved but you were excited to be part of it and make your members proud. In addition to that, it meant you would be performing twice because your group was also performing.

You walked into the practice room when practicing would be held for the show and you found yourself staring at a very familiar person, currently warming up. You couldn't believe it. The man seemed to notice your stare and looked over, he seemed just as straddled when he saw you. You pushed every thought aside and went ahead setting your things down, and starting to warm up in order to not talk to him. It wasn't that there was bad blood, it had just been a long time and it was quite awkward to be honest. As you were warming up you saw very familiar faces come in which made you smile and loosen up.

"Yeji! Felix!" you quickly got to your feet and hugged the two. You were friends with both of them and you had been friends since your debut.

Wooyoung watched the scene unfold, of course he recognized you, how could he not? He felt so bad for always taking praise but he was too coward back then to say that you were the mastermind behind everything. Something about you hugging Felix, had him a little bothered but he ignored it and walked over to greet Felix, who was also a friend of his.

"I didn't know you'd be part of this" he said hugging his friend. Felix smiled and nodded

" yeah I didn't know you'd be here either. Nice seeing you. Anyways. Have you met Yeji and (y/n)?" he asked mentioning to you and Yeji. Wooyoung looked at you then shook his head. "No I don't believe I have. I'm Jung Wooyoung from Ateez nice to meet you both" he said bowing lightly.You couldn't believe the nerve he had, acting like he didn't know you.


Practice took about 3 weeks. You guys had an amazing choreography all worked out and everyone was having fun. The performance was in 2 days and honestly....Wooyoung didn't seem as insufferable as he used to be back in school. You kept shaking thoughts like that away but it was hard. He had a charm about himself. A charm that no one could ignore not even you. It was starting to get late and everyone was wrapping up, not you tho.

"Alright. It's time for me to head on out. " Felix announced as he grabbed his bag and looked at everyone "anyone else coming?" he added on. Yeji raised her hand as she grabbed her bag.

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