Meeting you for the first time - Jung Wooyoung & Choi Jongho

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Wooyoung had always been a natural flirt. He would even openly flirt with his members, all in good fun of course. So, when Wooyoung found himself working on KIngdom with the rest of Ateez, he was bound to flirt every now and then with some of the dancers. Everyone took it in light fun. Some of them knew that he was just a flirty person, and sometimes his flirting was simply him being kind rather than actually flirting, but some of them simply flirted back, as they did deep down hope that he would look at them differently. Wooyoung was a handsome guy, it was no surprise some of the girls wanted his attention, who wouldn't want his attention. Even the younger middle school girls, that were taking part in the number had a weakness for the boy. He was charming.

The boys were hard at work today, and everyone was really focused until, one of their dancers twisted her ankle. Wooyoung and the boys were quick to rush to her aid, asking her if she was okay. While she did try to get up and continue it was impossible for her to do so without being in severe pain. That day was cut short and the producers were quick to start making calls to find someone to fill in for the poor girl. Wooyoung grabbed his water bottle. "I feel bad, maybe we have been going to hard?" he commented with Hongjoong, who was just as exhausted as he was. Hongjoong nodded in agreement "I have honestly been wondering the same. I mean Jongho has been struggling with his knee, even if he doesn't want to show it. We should really take the rest of the day to rest" he said to the younger boy. And that was it for the day, the boys went home and took the opportunity to rest.


The next day came around and the boys were already warming up when the director came in and started introducing you to everyone. "Alright everyone gather up. Unfortunately, Seo-Jun will not be able to return and continue working with us" he started explaining. Wooyoung looked in concern "Is she alright" he asked wanting to make sure they had not gone too hard on their dancers. The director gave him a nod "She has a sprained ankle but she wished you guys good luck. Anyways, this is (y/n). They will be taking over in Seo-Jun's place. Please make them feel welcome. Yunho maybe you could help them with the choreography?" the director suggested before letting Yunho take over. Yunho walked over to you and offered you a smile "Nice to meet you (y/n). I'm Yunho, I'll help you catch up since there are only a few days before the performance and I-" the boy found himself being pushed away by one of the younger members. "Hi! I'm Wooyoung! It is so nice to meet you!" he said louder than you expected.

You nodded lightly, trying not to seem as startled as you actually were "Nice to meet you too" you said softly. Yunho rolled his eyes and pushed Wooyoung away "Stop that. You are scaring them. Go practice!" he scolded the younger boy before walking you away so you guys could gte started. Wooyoung pouted but he was not giving up. Something about you had him completely drawn in.


The day of the performance came and everything had gone quite well. No one else got hurt and you had gotten used to Wooyoung's loud self always being around you, complimenting you, finding ways to be close to you ( Yunho was so kind to explain that Wooyoung was a touchy person in general) and shamelessly flirting. You were grabbing all of your things in order to head home, now that you finished filming but as you grabbed the book you read between breaks you found a note taped to it.

I really liked meeting you (y/n). I hope we can still see each other and talk to each other. Here is my number - JWY

You chuckled to yourself and shook your head before putting the book in your bag and heading out. As you were heading out of the building you passed Wooyoung and the boys. Wooyoung was quick to give you a smirk and a wink, before San smacked the back of his head "Stop that! You are being weird again"

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