I Know I Love You - Their Confessions (Jung Wooyoung & Choi Jongho)

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Jung Wooyoung

This week, your dance club had been told that they would get a spot in performing at the end of the school year show. Your school had this thing, where students would gather at the end of the year and celebrate a successful year. Students were allow to perform, whether it was magic or singing, anything really. Yes, it sounded a whole lot like a middle school talent show, the differences were that for starters, you were in college not middle school ,and there is no prize to be won. It is truly just about students getting together and celebrating a nice year together. You were the captain of the team and while you were good, you wanted the performance to be good and memorable and hopefully invite new kids to join the following year. You didn't have to think twice about your next move.

"Woooooo, I need your amazing dance skills to help meee"

"You really know how to butter me up haha. What do you need?"

"I need you to help me choreograph my end of the year performance? For me and the group?"

"I'm in"

You smiled in victory as you and Wooyoung planned a meet up so you could get started.


The whole week, you and the group would practice at the school's practice room, with Wooyoung and every now and then Wooyoung had been so kind to convince KQ to let you guys use their practice room. You let out a deep breath as you finished the choreography. You clapped for your fellow dancers and turned to them. "Alright guys, you all did so good. Go home and get some rest, tomorrow will be out last practice before the performance" Your fellow dancers thanked you and Wooyoung and while he was busy talking to some of the male dancers, one of your closest friends, Mia, came over to you.

"So your boyfriend is cute. Why did you never tell me about him? Afraid someone on the dance team would steal him?" She joked, as you spit out your water in disbelief.

"My what? Who?" You asked confused before seeing her point to Wooyoung. You started laughing and shook your head. "No. There is a misunderstanding. He's not my boyfriend. That's my friend Wooyoung, we used to go to high school together. We were on the same dance team. He's single as far as I know."

"OH. I am so sorry. I just assumed by the way he was looking at you. Well if he's single, do you mind if I ask him out?" You looked at her for a moment before looking at Wooyoung.

"No go ahead" You gave Mia a friendly smile and watched her head over and ask Wooyoung out. For some reason this was bothering a lot more than you wanted it to, so you quickly grabbed your bag and headed on out, before you could see her ask him, and see him accept. The thought of him accepting was killing you inside, but you refused to believe that you actually liked Wooyoung as more than a friend, especially after all these years. You headed out of the KQ building, saying goodbyes to the staff you crossed paths with. Most of them already knew you by first name, since you came to see Wooyoung often.


The performance had gone wonderfully, and you had all just come off stage when you saw Wooyoung, hold a bouquet of flowers. Before you could say anything, Mia had rushed over to hug him, this brought a pain to your chest. You looked away from the scene wiping the sweat away from your face carefully, to not mess up your make up.

"You did so good" Yeosang's voice interrupted your thoughts. You looked over and smiled at him, as you sat down.

"Thanks. That's really nice of you. I didn't know you guys were coming to see. I would hug you but I'm all sweaty" You said, meaning him and Wooyoung. Yeosang, was probably whom you were closest to right after Wooyoung, so it wasn't unusual for you guys to be close. Yeosang let out a laugh and pulled you into his arms.

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