24/7 - Choi Jongho

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You are around Jongho 24/7. Or at least that is what it used to be like. You had met Jongho when the two of you were kids, and honestly at first, you could not stand each other. At all, you despised each other. He always pulled your hair and in return you pushed him off the swings and/or kicked him. The usual children bickering. But since your parents were best friends, you guys were in constant contact whether you liked it or not (and again: you both hated it). This went on for years and years, since you were kids, up until the moment Jongho started training to become an Idol. You did get closer as you grew older but once he started training and you started focusing on your studies, well, you fell apart. This never bothered you much, tho sometimes you did find yourself thinking about him and about what he was possibly doing.

It had been years now since you last truly say Jongho, but from what your mother told you, he had gotten to debut in a boygroup, and he was doing well. You were about 25 now. You had finished college, you had a job and your own apartment. Your life was good. You had everything somewhat planned out. Your mom had called you and asked you to come by the house on the weekend, maybe stay the whole weekend, since your parents missed you and since you had the weekend free anyways, you agreed.


You had gotten to your childhood home on Saturday morning and you were warmly welcomed by your mother, and your father. The morning went smoothly, you got settled, you talked to your mom and your dad. You were helping your mom make lunch when your heard the doorbell so you offered to go open. You walked to the front door and opened it, being surprised at the people you saw standing there.

"(y/n)? Wow, you have grown up so beautifully. I have not seen you since you left for college" Jonghos mother stepped forward and hugged you. Jongho stood behind his mother, staring at you. He had not seen you since he was a teenager. He suddenly remembered the huge crush he used to have on you as a kid and to be honest, he felt like that silly little kid again as he watched you. You looked stunning.

"Thank you so much Mrs.Choi. It's been a very long time." You smiled as hugged the woman back and then let go of her. You looked up and locked eyes with Jongho. "Hello. Nice to see you" You nodded your head politely and then let the two of them in. Jonghos mother went straight to your mother leaving Jongho with you.

"So....my mom told me you debuted a few years back. Congratulations" Jongho gave you a faint smile and nodded. "What is that like?"

"Yeah, I was one of the lucky ones. Thank you. Well, it's pretty great. I mean I get to work with my 7 best friends, who are basically my brothers. I get to dance and sing and do what I love. I don't think it could get any better than that" You motioned for Jongho to sit on the couch with you so you could have a proper chat. You gave the man a soft smile. "What about you? What have you been up to?"

"That's great Jongho. Really I am happy for you." You genuinely felt happy for him. He looked happy, the smile on his face did not lie. " I went to college. Majored in Law. So I'm a Lawyer now. I have my own place in Seoul and I guess I'm happy with life. Not half as exciting as yours but it does the trick" you chuckle, making him laugh. He still had that laugh. That cute laugh you secretly loved.

"That's great. I am so glad you're doing good. My dorms are in Seoul too, you might not live far from me" He joked. Jongho let his eyes wander until they stopped at your hand. "You uhm....you're engaged?" You looked down at your ring and smiled lightly, nodding at the happy memory.

"Yeah, we got engaged last month."

"Is he a good person?"

"Yeah. He is. I met him in Law school. We met in the first year and we kind of been together since. We live together and are planning to get married beginning of next year, if everything works out" Jongho nodded along to what you were saying. For some reason hearing this; hearing that.....you are engaged to another man, brought some mixed feelings up in him.

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