3 Things- Jung Wooyoung

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"There are 3 things Jung Wooyoung loves in this world.

Number 3: His job.

Wooyoung lives to perform. No matter how tired he gets, he loves the practices, the coming up with routines. He loves preparing for vlives. He loves interacting with his fans, preparing for tours and fan signs. The thrill he gets before he gets on stage, is unmatched. The anxiety, of wanting to jump on stage, sing and dance his heart out. Watch the crowd sing along and be there to support him. He loves going into the studio, learn new songs and record them. This is the third thing he absolutely loves and knows he would never be able to live without it. 

Number 2: His family and friends.

Wooyoung, is a family man. He loves his family. Their love and support help him go on every single day. Even if he can't call them every day or spend that much time with them, he tries to call them often. Check in and make sure they are all doing alright. He likes to know what his parents are doing, how they are doing and if there is anything he can do for them.He loves talking to his little brother and making sure he is happy. His friends, he loves them. He appreciates how much his friends support him, those outside of our group, because our members, he doesn't consider us friends, no. We are family. We are his brothers, every single one of them. Hongjoong, is like an older brother to him, always has some good advice. Seonghwa, is also like an older brother, always making sure he has eaten enough and has rested enough. Yunho can always bring a smile to his face. Me, I always have a witty remark and a good thing to say to tease, but he knows I am always taking care of him. I am his oldest friend and I will forever be grateful taht he took a chance and left our old agency just so we could debut together. San is one of the best big brothers he could ask for. He is fun, and of course Wooyoung actually appreciates his clinginess, since he is just as clingy. Mingi is a great person as well. Always makes him smile, and they have the best time working out together, even if that means that he is bardging in on mine and Mingi's bonding time at the gym. I'm joking don't worry.  Lastly Jongho, despite being the youngest, he is also one of the most mature people in the group. Yeosang can have some of the best conversations with Jongho. He loves every single one of our members.

Number 1: You

Wooyoung met you in a fan sign, early on. He didn't think much of why he kept thinking about you, but event after event you were there. The more he saw you, the less he could stop thinking about you. You were on his mind so much. So one day, at one event, when you sat down in front of him, he took a leap of faith, and he scribbled his number into your photobook, and was openly flirting with you, hoping the message would come across. You didn't text him for days, which left him in a state of anxiety and disappointment. He had felt so stupid for thinking you would ever want to date him. Well, this was proven wrong, when a couple of weeks after the fan sign, you finally called. As he listened to apologize and explain that you had not opened your photobook, he could not be quick enough to cut you off and ask you on a date. After that first date, came many others and when Wooyung got home after the fifth date, with a loopy grin on his face, he revealed, not only had he kissed you, but he also had finally asked you to be his girlfriend. As time passed, you first month together went by, then your first 6 months, and then your first year together. There were fights due to his schedule and how you would often feel, but you always ended up back together. You both knew you couldn't live with each other. It didn't come as a surprise to anyone when after your 1 year anniversary, you were announcing that you were engaged. Now here we are today, at this beautiful wedding, to celebrate you and Wooyoung, finally getting married after a whole year of being engaged, but hey, time had some different plans for you guys and at last, it was worth the wait"

You looked over at your new husband, holding your 2 month old baby in his arms. You were in tears but smiling as you sat with your husband.

"I am thankful, Wooyoung met you, I have never seen him smile, so much in his whole entire life. You are perfect together. I know you will have a wonderful marriage, I know your baby is growing up with the coolest parents. I am thankful that you included us in this ceremony. We love you and we wish you the best. I love you both"

Yeosang finished giving his best man speech. The ceremony was small. Since you had your baby not too long ago, you wanted something private. So here you were sitting together, in your parents backyard, enjoying the summer air and celebrating your marriage with the boys, your closest relatives and the boys managers (since they were like family), as well as some of your closest friends. This was it. This was the happiest day of your life. 


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