24 Hours - Jeong Yunho

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24 hours. That is what you had left with your boyfriend before he had to leave to go on tour. In a way you were relieved cause he was only going away for a month, on the other....it was a whole month, a whole 30 days. That seemed like a whole lot of time apart considering the two of you were pretty much inseparable. You basically lived at the dorms with him. The boys were basically your children, and you were basically like a married couple. The boys joked about this a bunch but you all laughed it off. It's not that you didn't want to marry Yunho or that he didn't want to marry you, the thing was you had only been dating for a little bit over a year and considering his job, it was hard for you guys to see each other. You had both agreed you want to enjoy dating a little bit longer before you settled down together. (Tho you definitely knew you would end up marrying each other at this point.)

You got up carefully out of bed without waking Yunho. You see, once you started spending so much time over the boys started talking among them. For Yunho's birthday they surprised him by telling him that from now on, he had his room to himself, well more like for the two of you and San was sharing a room with Mingi from them on. Yunho was deeply touched by the boys gesture, as to him this was the biggest sign of approval towards your relationship they could have given him. He spend that whole night crying out of gratefulness while the boys and you tried to calm him down. Anyways, you got up and decided to go make breakfast for your boyfriend but as you walked into the kitchen, you saw Hongjoong, Wooyoung, Yeosang and Jongho were already there. "Good morning guys. All ready for tomorrow?" you asked them as you started making them coffee.

"Yeah well...some of us are" Hongjoong said giving Wooyoung a glare who simply shrugged it off. "Anyways, how are you feeling? Will you be okay on your own. You know the offer of coming with us still stands.I am sure Yunho would love that"

You gave them a thankful smile as you started making some eggs and toast "And I appreciate the offer but me and Yunho need to learn to be apart from each other besides I have work. I have off in 2 weeks and maybe I'll pop over to the States to surprise him, so do not tell him" you shoot Wooyoung a warning glare.

"I won't! Geez have some faith in me"

"I do.....almost never. You tend to run your mouth a lot Woo"

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry mom" Wooyoung smirked as he sipped on his own coffee. Whenever the boys wanted to mess with you or annoy they would call you mom. Especially Wooyoung.

"You better be happy I am not your mom cause I will whip your ass" You warned pretending take off your slipper to smack him. You laughed as he practically ran out of the room. "Works every time" you smiled happily as you plated the food.

"I am going to miss you scaring Wooyoung now I have to do it all by myself" Yeosang groaned. "Anyways, has Yunho packed?"

You looked at him in disbelief "What do you think? Of course he hasn't! He started packing last week already wanting to get it down but never truly finished, you know him" You chuckled before grabbing everything. "If possibly can you guys give me and Yunho the day for ourselves? I want to spend the day with him"

The boys nodded "Of course. We will make sure the others do not annoy you guys while you relax" Jongho promised. You thanked them one more time before taking everything back to your room. You smiled seeing your boyfriend still sleeping. Setting everything down on the nightstand, you climbed back into bed cuddling him and softly laying kisses all over his cheeks and nose.

"Am I in heaven?" Yunho smirked keeping his eyes closed. You rolled your eyes at his words.

"Stop being cheesy. I made you breakfast."

He finally opened his eyes and looked at you "So indeed it is heaven" He sat up with you and kissed you softly. " Good morning angel"

"Morning baby" You handed him a cup of coffee. "So I asked the boys to give us the day together, and I was thinking we could watch some dramas together or a movie. Whatever you'd like, you know apart from finishing up with packing"

Yunho was looking at you lovingly as you spoke. "That sounds perfect. Just you and me in our bed watching TV, that is honestly perfect" He kissed your head. "Thank you baby"

The two had breakfast in bed together and spend the rest of the day watching TV. The only times you got up was to go to the bathroom, finally get him to finish packing and make lunch and dinner. At around 10, you heard a small knock on your door. "Come in"

San came in holding on to one of his stuffed animals. He kept his gaze low and didn't speak at first, which made you and Yunho worried.

"San..what is going on. It's late you should be sleeping" You looked at him.

"So uhm...yeah funny thing but uhm....we are so used to having you around y/n...it's going to suck you being away....and....we are going to miss you" He finally looked up, revealing he was in tears which immediately made you tear up. Honestly, you were going to miss them like crazy, you were a family. A weird and sometimes dysfunctional family but that is what you were and you would be lying if you said that you didn't feel like crying knowing they would be gone and you could not take care of them.

"I'm going to miss you too Sannie...so much" You opened your arms for the man to come hug you but he didn't move.

"Wait...who is we? Yunho asked. At this point San opened the door wide, revealing the other 6 boys, looking just as sad as he was. Yunho chuckled, despite being just as sad. "Ok, why don't we all just hang out here and watch a movie together? We can sleep on the plane anyways" That was all it took for the boys to come barging in. It was a somewhat tough night. You cried and laughed together and enjoyed the time you had left together before they had to leave.

Hey guys!  I am so sorry for not updating but I am in my exam time and in addition to that I have not been doing very well mentally

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Hey guys!  I am so sorry for not updating but I am in my exam time and in addition to that I have not been doing very well mentally. I am slowly coming back and I hope you can still enjoy my writing. Take care of yourselves!

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