Season 1, Episode 7

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The Bleeding Heart Killer and a hook-handed Scarecrow Man appear in the background somehow. Bobby Sawyer and Jackie Lepus are having a picnic during the next day. Pam Lepus watches from the bushes, judging Bobby.

Droopy-Eyes runs over and grabs Jackie by the leg. Droopy-Eyes bounces up and down on Jackie's leg as she says, "You are my inspiration! Also my car is working again but never mind that."

Pam Lepus pops out of the bushes and shouts, "WHY ARE YOU TOUCHING MY CHILD IN SUCH A LEWD MANNER?!"

Pam Lepus hits Droopy-eyes on the back of the head with a shovel, knocking Droopy-Eyes unconscious.

At the campsite, later that night.

Bobby Sawyer, Droopy-Eyes, and Jackie Lepus are driven by Pam Lepus in Droopy-Eye's car as she says, "You know the only thing that kids your age do at drive ins is have sex! I'm not allowing it!"

The car breaks down again.

"I just got this fixed! What the Hell?!"

Pam hits Droopy-Eyes in the back of the head before saying, "Swearing is against the Lord God Almighty, I will not tolerate such things."

"Maybe we should just listen to the radio?" Bobby suggests.

Kenzie Weasel White's voice reports over the radio, "All people in the Darkwoods area! Stay inside, there are reports of a dangerous killer having escaped from jail. They have a hook for a hand and are known to wear the skin of scarecrows."

The hook-handed Scarecrow Man appears and tries to get into the car. Jackie Lepus is scared by this and turns into a three-year-old toddler. Pam gets out the car and tries to murder the hook-handed Scarecrow Man with the shovel. Pam hits the Scarecrow Man will the shovel killing him as the hook-handed Scarecrow Man decapitates Pam with their hook. Jackie gets out of the car then holds Pam's body, Jackie cries. Bobby gets out of the car and pats Jackie on the back. Jackie looks up and sees her mom's ghost.

"I will always be with you to guide you but you will have to be an adult and fight your own battles. You will also have to cope with my death," Pam's ghost says. Jackie stops being a toddler and nods.

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