Season 2, Episode 1

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There's a random guy with a mysterious stranger in the shadows of an alley.

The mysterious stranger gives the random guy a squid costume. The mysterious stranger says, "You should put on this costume and be sexist."

"Why?" The random guy asks.

"Because," The mysterious stranger says as he gives the random guy a stack of cash.

The random guy puts on the costume, it's a black business suit with a black tie that black tentacles poke from the back of the suit and white mask.

The Squid Guy goes into the woods.

The Squid Guy approaches the female serial killers and shouts, "Show me your tits!"

"Anomaly, we aren't fucking doing this anymore!" Bobby says before she impales Squid Guy with her horn, killing him.

The mysterious stranger is shown to be The Mysterious Killer, a bandaged blue-eye killer wearing a red fez and red robe.

The mysterious stranger is shown to be The Mysterious Killer, a bandaged blue-eye killer wearing a red fez and red robe

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"What the fuck?" The Mysterious Killer asks.

The female serial killers leaves.

The Mysterious Killer goes to the movie theater.

Inside the movie theater, The Mysterious Killer eats from a can of beans with a plastic spoon.

"THIS MOTHERFUCKER EATING BEANS!" A black teen shouts as he points and laughs.

After the movie, The Mysterious Killer kills the teen.

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