Season 1, Episode 9

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Around the campfire at sunset.

"Is this a bad time to bring up the fact we've all been turned into girls?...Other than Bobby Sawyer some fucking how?" Freya Cougar asks.

Bobby sweats nervously.

"We already know this?" Droopy-Eyes says.

"No no no, I mean like...I'm still an adult man even if my body is a teenage girl?" Freya Cougar asks.

Everyone nods.

"Like, I can become a man in dreams but I come out here and I'm still a girl in my body. Does anyone else feel uncomfortable with this?" Freya Cougar asks.

Penny says, "I'm a trillion years old, I'm comfortable in my body and identity regardless of what form it physically takes."

Droopy-Eyes shrugs and says, "Sometimes I'm a girl and I'm okay with that? I'd like to undo this but I would be comfortable just being a girl."

Michelle Wolfgang doesn't say anything but you get the feeling she's saying, "I don't actually care. I'm only here for murder."

Jackie rubs the back of her head then holds up a sign that reads, 'I'm uncomfy with a girl touching me even though I am the girl touching me.'

Anomaly appears somehow and says, "Well I'm very comfortable in my body and I'd be comfortable in your body too~"

"How the fuck do you keep appearing like that?!" Freya Cougar asks.

"Teleportation device. If you want to get rid of it, you'll have to find it and take it off me," Anomaly says with a wink.

The female serial killers and Anomaly leave.

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