Season 3, Episode 10 (Series Finale)

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Anomaly shows up at the campsite that the female serial killers are, drinking a slushy, when he notices a corpse burning in the campfire.

Anomaly gets closer to the burning corpse and asks, "Yo, is that Mysterious Asshole?"

Droopy-Eyes answers, "Yep, turns out he's Gary Wimbledon Smallwood."

Anomaly asks, "Shit, wasn't that the guy who was on the news for being a creep?"

Droopy-Eyes answers, "That's a little hypocritical coming from you."

Anomaly shrugs and drinks his slushy.  Anomaly says, "I can like, undo the thing."

"Are you actually going to undo it or are you going to ask us to suck your dick first?" Freya Cougar asks.

Anomaly shrugs and says, "I am not interested because you aren't interested."

"Come back later," Freya Cougar says.

Anomaly leaves.

The female serial killers snuggle together in front of the burning corpse with the backs to the reader. Freya Cougar resting her head on Jackie's left shoulder, Penny and Bobby snuggled in the middle, Droopy-Eyes and Michelle snuggled up to right.

The female serial killers think of all the people they met. Anomaly, The Good Guys, Pam Lepus, the hook-handed Scarecrow Man, the bullies, Carrie, The Squid Guy, the lion, the camp counselors, the police, and The Mysterious Killer.

"You know, we've met a lot of people during this." Bobby says. "That crackpot Anomaly. Those people Gary hired and then we killed like Squid Guy. The Mysterious Killer who turned out to be Fucking Gary Wimbledon Smallwood."

Freya Cougar says, "We've all learned a lot. Ourselves, how we've impacted the world, not to be sexist idiots like Gary."

"You say a lot of PSA shit for someone who is a serial killer," Penny jokes.

Freya responds, "Yeah. I'm right, though." 

Penny chuckles.

Jackie's sign reads, 'I think I want to stay with you all.'

Bobby smiles and says, "I want to stay with you too. I enjoy being with you."

Michelle Wolfgang doesn't say anything but you get the feeling she's say, "I do too."

Droopy-Eyes is surprised and asks, "You like me? Like, like like me?!"

Penny laughs and says, "Don't be a child. We all 'like like' each other."

The sunsets and the girls snuggle.

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