Season 3, Episode 6

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Bobby Sawyer and Droopy-Eyes are walking around the town of Darkwoods. Bobby and Droopy-Eyes think about what The Mysterious Killer wrote.

Bobby and Droopy-Eyes bump into people. The people mutter something as they walk away, "...And black fucking animal."

Bobby and Droopy-Eyes walk by a shop with a TV as they see a sexist commercial for perfume, then a racist and sexist commercial for maple sap. After the commercials is the news.

The voice of Kenzie Weasel White on the TV reports, "A large breasted murderess has been killing single men by seducing them."

The voice of Frankie Rat on the TV reports, "A violent thug was put down outside of WacDonald's. Also in the news is Gary Wimbledon Smallwood wanted under suspicion of five murders and possible sexual assault."

Bobby Sawyer and Droopy-Eyes realize something they already knew, The Mysterious Killer is just another part of a wider problem of the world being against them. Bobby and Droopy-Eyes return to the camp. Bobby and Droopy-Eyes know they must kill The Mysterious Killer but can't kill the society that created him or themselves.

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