Season 3, Episode 5

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The female serial killers are in their room scared, speechless.

Freya Cougar remembers all those times she threatened to assault college girls when she was alive and after she died.

Droopy-Eyes remembers threatening teen girls and murdering them.

Michelle Wolfgang remembers killing her sister after seeing her boobs then killing a bunch of babysitters in an attempt to kill her other sister.

Jackie Lepus remembers killing a bunch of people for having sex before marriage.

Penny reflects on killing and eating children.

Bobby tries to think of a way out. Bobby thinks of leaving, never killing again, having a normal life without her friends. Bobby imagines killing her friends then herself but couldn't go through with it. Bobby imagines just running, keep killing, but always running until she died but isn't happy with it either. Bobby imagines going back home to the city of Hell and continuing her murder career without her friends but doesn't want to lose her friends or risk being found by The Mysterious Killer. Bobby imagines turning herself and her friends into the police so he could never hurt them but can't stand a life without killing. Bobby finally decided to kill The Mysterious Killer.

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