Season 2, Episode 5

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In the woods, it's a dark and stormy night, the female serial killers except Penny are walking.

Penny pops out as a werewolf hyena. Jackie Lepus, Bobby Sawyer, and Droopy-Eyes scream. Penny disappears.

Michelle Wolfgang doesn't say anything but you get the feeling she's saying, "It was Penny."

"Yeah, clearly. Penny is the only one not here," Freya Cougar says nervously.

"Then who's the person behind me?" Droopy-Eyes asks.

The female serial killers do a headcount, finding there are six people. The female serial killers look and it's Dracula.

Jackie Lepus, Bobby Sawyer, and Droopy-Eyes scream then run away.

Penny shapeshifts into Frankenstein's monster.

Freya Cougar and Michelle Wolfgang's expressions are unimpressed.

Penny shapeshifts into The Mummy.

Freya Cougar and Michelle Wolfgang's expressions are still unimpressed.

Penny shapeshifts into her Eldritch Spider form.

Freya Cougar screams and runs away.

Michelle Wolfgang casually walks away.

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