Season 2, Episode 9

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All the female serial killers are in the meeting hall except Bobby.

"I kinda did some stuff that I regret now that I'm a girl," Freya Cougar says, "Like I used to assault college girls when I was alive and when I was male after I died. Now that I'm a teenage girl. I'm kinda scared of guys like me."

The female serial killers nod.

"I use to call girls and then murder them. What if I don't die as a killer and someone does that to me and I can't kill them before they kill me?" Droopy-Eyes asks.

Michelle Wolfgang doesn't say anything but you get the feeling she's saying, "When I first saw my sister have sex, I murdered her. Now I have to consider if I will be killed once and for all simply because I lose my virginity."

Jackie holds a sign that reads, 'My mommy says all the girls nowadays are evil and will go to Hell because they like boys. I don't wanna go to Hell.'

Jackie starts crying.

"Our actions have made the world less safe for people like us. Had we known we would be like our victims, would we have changed?" Penny asks.

Freya Cougar says, "I wouldn't have then. I will now"

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