Season 3, Episode 4

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The Mysterious Killer kills the girls from the previous episode. The Mysterious Killer mails pictures of the girls' corpses with letters and they are the same age as the cast. The female serial killers read the letter, everyone is silent, Freya Cougar and Penny are scared.

"Now sex is a beautiful fucking thing. I want to have sex with Jackie, if I wanted to kill her then it would have already been done. Sex it isn't what your mommy taught you. Sex isn't a sin. I'm a nice guy but I'm angry, I'll impregnate Michelle Wolfgang so she has to kill herself to get that fetus out of her. I'll have sex with Penny, feed my fears, adding to my fear, then throw her body on my lawn. While I'm having sex with Freya Cougar, I'll bite on her shoulder as she's fighting and scratching me. I'll kill Freya Cougar, the ninth circle of Hell WELCOMES YOU! Bobby, I just wanna drag you're lifeless body to the woods and have sex with it but that's because I'm in love

Now, you might think I'm a weakling. That I don't know what I'm talking about. I can assure you, I do. Freya Cougar, steps on how to kill. Find the original body, bury it on holy ground, pour holy water in the shape of a cross, say a prayer, place a silver cross on the forehead, and bring her mother to the dream world. Penny, steps on how to kill. First, destroy the deadlights to disable the ability to feed, overcome fear and reduce her to a weakened and pathetic form, kill as one would normally kill a weak and pathetic thing. Correct? Did I miss any steps?

On the topic of killing, I'm going to kill every last one of you. Especially that black fucking animal, Droopy-Eyes. In case you are blind and dumb, I have sent some pictures of teen girls I killed. They are about your ages. What I did to them, I'm going to do to you. Especially the very last part while your bodies are still warm but dead. 

I hope you are having lots of fun in trying to catch me, that wasn't me on the TV show which brings up a point about me. I am not afraid of the gas chamber because it will send me to paradice all the sooner because I now have enough slaves to work for me where everyone else has nothing when they reach paradice so they are afraid of death. I am not afraid because I know that my life as a ghoast will be an easy one in paradice death."


The female serial killers find a bus ticket from the city Hell in the stack of papers.

Flashback over

The female serial killers think to ask Anomaly for help but remember he's a sicko weirdo creep so they shake their head at that thought.


The female serial killers think of all the antagonists that tried to kill them such as the good Guys, the hook-handed Scarecrow Man, the lion, the police.

Flashback over

The female serial killers sit in their room scared.

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