You do not deserve to mourn

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A few weeks later Quackity felt happier after mourning for almost a month. Quackity was walking out of the house to get to work starting to get emotional remembering Slimecicle, "I miss him." He said as he walked to his office soon bumping into Purpled who was in all black clothing, "Your kidding me. You kill my best friend and suddenly your all upset?!" Purpled looked at him sighing, "I regret what I did okay. I understand that your hurt way more then me but I regret it.." Quackity slapped him with a sigh, "You should regret it but you don't deserve to mourn over his death!" Quackity walked to his work space and frowned as he walked in soon tearing up looking around, "He was supposed to be my best man.."

After a while Wilbur walked into the office to visit Quackity seeing him cry broke his heart. Wilbur walked over to him and hugged him, "What happened?" "Just being here reminds me of Slime.. I really miss him.." he responded. "He was supposed to be my best man and he's gone." Wilbur nods rubbing Quackity's back soon kissing his head, "I know honey. Who knows maybe Dream will bring him back." Quackity nods leaning against him, "I just want him back. I keep losing everyone I love. I can't lose you and Fundy too." "You're not losing us ever okay?" Not long after Tommy walked into the office with a frown trying not to cry. Wilbur looked at him, "Tommy? Brother what happened?" Tommy walked over to them, "Ranboo died... Sam killed him." Quackity looked at him, "Oh no I'm so sorry." Tommy sat next to them as tears began to fall, "Are you okay Big Q?" "I will be. And so will you."  Wilbur looked at them frowning. "Let's go back to Quackity and my house. I'll make you boys Hot chocolate."

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