15| Cute Little Shit

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I'm about to murder someone..!!

And that someone happens to be my dearest brother–

Lucca 'jackass' King.

"I swear to God Lucca, brother or no brother, I will kill you." I grunted out, feeling groggy as I was practically drooping between consciousness and unconsciousness.

I don't particularly like waking up in the morning!!

"I just have one question for you, answer and you can go back to sleep." Lucca said and I responded with a series of grunts and groans which really didn't have the desired effect on my brother.

"All right, now that you are nearly begging for me to ask, why is Bryn going around telling everyone that you are his, and in the words of Bryn, 'momma'." Lucca said and I immediately sprang up, staring at my brother with wide-stunned eyes.


That cute little shit!!

"Please tell me, that's a fucking lie." I pleaded, and after taking in Lucca's raised eyebrow and taunting face I let out a groan and slumped back down, wanting to sleep again.

I mean the damage has already been done,

What can I possibly do now?!

"Would you explain?" Lucca asked and I sighed.

"No." I responded as my mind flashed back to the events of last night.

I don't know what came into me when I decided to go talk to Rhett. I somehow had a feeling that he'd be on the roof and even though I wanted those feelings to be false, I couldn't stop myself from approaching Rhett.

I also don't know why I felt the need to justify myself to him.

Why does it bother me so much so what he might think of me?

And we almost kissed–

If Bryn hadn't intervened I might not have stopped what I thought would have happened!

Or even more–

For fucks sake, I sound like a horny bitch!

I can't believe Rhett keeps a photo of me in his wallet.

Like any normal person, I should have been creeped out but I felt the exact opposite. That mere piece of information was enough to send tingles through my body and shoot high voltage electricity down my spine.

After Bryn told me that, Rhett immediately picked Bryn up and muttered that it was a lie before rushing out of the gates of the roof.

I could hear Bryn protesting, but I was too stunned and frozen in my place to react, and when I came back to my senses I shamelessly squealed.

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