(V.D) Case of the Luna Ghost

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At the Wow-O Toy Factory, the Mystery gang had a plan to catch the Luna Ghost who kidnapped Daphne so they waited until the Luna Ghost broke through a glass window with Daphne in one of his arms. 

"Let go of me! Okay, now I really have a wedgie. Fred! Velma! Can you guys hurry it up? This ghost keeps grabbing... Please!" Daphne yells as she squirmed in the Luna Ghost grip.

On the upper level, Velma Dinkley and Leah Baker were looking below at Daphne and the Luna Ghost. "Jinkies. Fred. Come in, Fred." Velma says in the walkie-talkie.

"Fred! Can you hear us at all?" Leah said in the talkie. Leah saw that Fred was swinging around the water hose and then looked in the mirror and winked at himself. Leah rolled her eyes and hears him say. "Fredster here, Leas and Velms."

"Shockingly, Daphne's been captured again. That's okay. When the Luna Ghost rounds the corner with Daphne... ...Shaggy and Scooby will pop out of the barrel..." Velma said, going over the plan.

"Leah'll activate the conveyor belt, spilling the oil onto the floor." Fred finished for Velma. Before the Luna Ghost came into Velma and Leah's view. "Just remember our plan." Leah whispered into the ear piece.

"Like, chill out, Scooby-Doo. Stop shaking." Shaggy said inside the barrel and Scooby shook his head in disbelief.

"Re? That's rou." He said and Shaggy realized. "Right. It's me. Sorry."
The Luna Ghost then brought a lighted match up to his mouth and blew it towards the barrel, getting Scooby's tail in the process. Scooby felt the burning on his tail and jumped out of the barrel. He blew his tail as the barrel top hit his head, when he noticed the ghost, he froze.

The Luna Ghost said 'boo', making Scooby scream with fright. Shaggy Rogers then popped out of the barrel but he was facing Scooby so he didn't noticed Daphne and the ghost behind him. "Scooby doo, like what are you doing, man?"

"Like, this is no time to... Oh, boy. Like, there's a ghost right behind me, isn't there?" Shaggy asked and Scooby nodded pointing behind Shaggy.

The Luna Ghost put another lit match to his mouth and ducked before the fire could touch them.

Leah pushed on the button to the conveyor belt and the oil spilled on the floor. Just then Shaggy decided to run and Scooby was on top of him. "Go, Shaggy! Go! Run!" Scooby exclaimed and Shaggy yelled. "Like, I'm trying, buddy!"

"Fred, now!" Velma yells and Shaggy and Scooby ran off befor the ghost hit them with a lit match.

"I got him." Fred said, coming out of hiding. "Look out!" Scooby said and Shaggy ran into Fred, knocking him down on the ground.

With Fred on the floor, he started to run the water hose and tried to hit the Ghost. But instead he hit Velma, "Freddy!" Velma screamed as she was being sprayed. She stepped forward to avoid it and instead had some chain wrap around her ankle and have her having upside down. "Velma!" Leah yelled out over the metal bar.

When Fred stopped spraying the water, the net had fell on him. "Sorry, Velma." He said and Velma was also drenched but not hanging upside down. "I know, Fred."

Fred, Leah and Velma then ran over to the lever that was connected to the conveyor belt and ran over to the pile of toys.

"Daphne, are you okay?" Leah asked and Daphne appeared in the pile of toys under Scooby's butt. "I'm so over this damsel-in-distress nonsense." She said, taking off her scarf from her mouth.

"Where's Shagster?" Fred asked and Shaggy popped out from pile.

"Like, I'm right here, man." He said and Scooby popped up next to him. "Re too." Scooby said.

"Scoob, that was fun. Let's grab another skateboard and do it again." Shaggy said happily, "Yeah." Scooby chuckled.

Just then, police sirens got the gang's attention, and they see the Mystery Machine driving through the wooden doors into the factory, with police cars behind it, and skidding to a stop.

The driver's side door opened, and out stepped a blonde woman who was Pam Anderson. With fan girls approaching Fred and Fred was signing autographs for his fans. Pam hugged Fred, thanking him. "Thanks for saving the factory."

News reporters came up to Pam and Fred. "Pam, any comments?"

"This is a victory for any celebrity who wants to make a quality action figure." Pam said, smiling.

The reporter turns to Fred. "What's the secret of your success?"

"Teamwork. I do a tremendous amount of teamwork, and I always have a plan. Come on." Fred answered.

"Yeah, our plan." Velma mumbled, clearly upset that Fred takes all the credit for her girlfriend and her plan.
"I knew from the start there was no phantom. The Luna Ghost is, in fact..." Fred said, taking off the mask to reveal...

"Old Man Smithers?!" Everyone exclaimed, shocked.

"The creepy janitor?"

"Smithers wanted revenge after you refused to go out with him." Fred said to Pam.

"How could you, Pam? I'm a lover-boy of George Clooney-an proportions." Smithers said.

"Fred, how was the ghost able to fly?"
Velma and Leah approached the reporters, Fred and Smithers. "We can answer that. Watch. These balloons fill with a highly potent helium synthesis... " Velma started.
"...giving the Luna Ghost... ...his weightless appearance." Leah said, as Smithers floated up in the air.

"I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids... ...and your dumb dog! I'll get you for this!" Smithers said, angry.

"Scooby-Dooby-Doo!" Scooby said his catchphrase which made the fans smile and chuckled applauded the mystery team. 

969 Words

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