(F.J) Setting the Trap

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○○ means switch

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○○ means switch

The ritual was going to in the cave and the Scooby gang was setting up the trap and was going to save Scooby. Velma and Fred were going over the plan. "Okay, so we use the pulleys to tip over the vat." Fred said.

"Daphne and Dina will open the air vents and release the disco skull." Velma said, Daphne and Dina smiled at each others, as they attach the rope to the air vent. 
"The light will refract off the skull..." Fred said. 

"The creatures will explode, I'll find Scoob, and we'll have saved the world." Shaggy said, putting his fists in the air. 

Suddenly, there all hear a noise which meant trouble. "Oh, no. The ritual's beginning." Fred said.

Daphne and Dina pant as they look at Fred and Velma.

"Quick. Shaggy, attach this to the vat." Velma said, passing a rope to Shaggy as he hooks the rope to the vat. "We're here to save you." He said.

"Shaggy, faster." Velma said. Shaggy finished tied up the vat. "All systems go." Shaggy said, but he accidentally got hooked to the vat with his gear. "Wait, no!"

"Mystery Inc. rides again." Shaggy finally got unhooked from the vat. But then went flying in the air  but when he hit  the rocky ceiling the pulley that held Dina and Daphne up  broke and then went flying they hit the wall right above their friends. The students were coming and Velma said. "Quick, hide the Daemon Ritus." They hid the Daemon Ritus on a bag they had from earlier.

More possessed students camed in wearing long dresses and stood around in a circle and started to do a dance that Velma and Fred began to do but Fred motioned both Blake girls to head into the tunnels. 


Shaggy ended up changing outfits with one of the possessed college students. As a row of possessed students came, he started moving and dancing like them and ending up knocking out the student. 

He moved on and saw Scooby sitting down like a king. 

"Would you like another Scooby Snack?" He saw a lady giving Scooby a snack. 

"Okay." Scooby answered and the lady put the snack in his mouth. 

"Scooby-Doo!" Shaggy exclaims excitedly. 


The ritual started and everyone started to the ritual dance and Velma and Fred tried to blend in. 
The ritual dance ended but Fred kept on dancing. "Yo, yo, yo. Yo, homedogs. You forgot the next part of the dance... ...where we do the Electric Slide, you know..." Velma started to danced with Fred. 
Three guards  came up and took Fred and Velma over to look at Mondevarious. "Fred. Velma. Welcome to my little end-of-the-world party. I've waited a long time for this moment. Thank you for returning the ultimate party favor: The Daemon Ritus. And now, behold the sacrifice." Mondevarious said as three guys came out with masks, holding Scooby doo as he waved to the crowd. 
"Thank you. Thank you. Hello, thank you." Scooby giggled as someone beside Scooby past at them "Thank you." Scooby said and Scooby's eyes widened and knew who was beside them. "Shaggy?" Scooby asked shocked. 
"Scoobert, hey. Let's run for it. We gotta get out of here!" Shaggy said. 
"I'm a sacrifice. Hello." Scooby said. 
"A sacrifice? Dude, that's not a good thing, Scoob!" Shaggy said. Velma and Fred got wide eyed when they saw Shaggy talking to Scooby. 
"I'm sorry I yelled at you. And I'm sorry I haven't been a very good friend since we got here. But listen to me, guys you gotta trust me now." Shaggy said. 
"But you don't trust me." Scooby exclaimed. 

"I do trust you Scoob. Now, look. Who's your best buddy?" Shaggy asked his dog. 

"Shaggy." Scooby answered. 

"Right! And who's my best buddy in the world?" Shaggy asked.

"Scooby-Doo?" Scooby's lips trembled. 
"That's right! You are. And we're like three trippy peas in a far-out pod, man." Shaggy said and Scooby's lips trembled and had eyes teared up. "Best buddies trust each other. Let's do what we do best: Let's run out of here screaming in fear like two lunatics, okay?" Shaggy said. 

They were getting close to end of the line. "On the count of... Let's make it five. One. Two-" Suddenly the pincer pierced Scooby's chest and Scooby giggled and saw his photoplasm and his face d drooped down. "SCOOB!" Shaggy saw his Photoplasm float away. 

"Hey, look at me!" Scooby's photoplasm said. 

Mondevarious had the Daemon Ritus on his chest. "The moment is at hand. Through the Daemon Ritus, I shall absorb the energy source." Soul started to go inside the Daemon  Ritus. "And now, to complete the transformation... ...I shall absorb the pure one. Ultimate power shall be mine!" Mondevarious said. 

"No one absorbs my pal!" With that  Shaggy jumped onto the pincer and knocked Mondevarious out of the way and the Daemon ritus had closed shut. 

Daphne and Dina climbed into some tunnels to get outside. Daphne went first and Dina was right behind her.

"Come on!" Daphne grunts, crawling further, with Dina behind her having a bit of a hard time crawling as well. 


Scooby's soul was free and the guards ran to catch Scooby soul and that gave Fred and Velma an opportunity. "Let's get the Daemon Ritus." 

Scooby's soul camed back to his body as he fell a bit and he giggled. "Cowabunga!" Scooby exclaims. 

They ran to the paralyzed  Mondevarious and Velma went to grab it but it was glowing green and she pricked her finger on it. 

"Look, Velms. A man in a mask." Fred pulled up Monday viruses face and revealed as a robot or something. "We love you, Scooby-Doo. We love you. That alleged friend of yours, Shaggy. I shall absorb..."

"PUPPY POWER!" Scrappy was under Mondevarious's clothes and also the whole body was robot and Scrappy had the Daemon Ritus on his chest. "I've outsmarted..." Some gears were jinxing and Scrappy was getting electrocuted a bit. 

"Scrappy Doo." Velma said, as Fred and Velma looked shocked like they didn't expect to see Scrappy in all of this. 

"Correction. The new, improved Scrappy. Because I, Scrappy-Dappy-Doo, have absorbed enough energy... ...to rule the world with my all-powerful army! And I've brought you here, puny, pathetic Mystery Inc... ...to witness my moment of triumph. All I need to complete my transformation is Scooby-Doo." Scrappy said as his body was transforming into a huge monstrous dog and Fred and Velma backed away. 

"Me?! Don't you mean Melvin Doo?" Scooby asked pointing at the guy from Mike's booth. 

"Seize them!" Scrappy shouts and his minions went to catch them. 

"Like, let's get out of here!" Shaggy exclaimed and Scooby and Shaggy ran.

Scrappy swung his hand and hit Fred and Velma. "Take that, pretty boy!"   They fell hard which did make Fred grunt. 


They got out of the tunnels and ran to the pulley that opens the vat but it was closed tightly. "Can you pull any harder?" Dina asked but Daphne answered but grunt at her hands hurt from pulling. 


Scooby and Shaggy run as Scrappy chased after them. "This is totally un-groovy, Scoob." Shaggy said screeching a bit. 

"Scooby-Doo, where are you?" Scrappy yelled knocking possessed students aside. 

1, 238 Words

Two more chapters and my epilogue then all my Scooby doo stories are done!!

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