(F.J) Final Battle

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Warnings: Fighting and jealousy

○○ means switch

As Dina and Daphne struggled with the lever someone came up behind them. "Senorita." An Mexican voice said and Daphne and Dina turned to Zarkos and Daphne began to fight him.

They were both throwing punches and missed and when Zarkos pulled Daphne's hands behind her and flipped around and kicked him in the face as she flipped in the air, she landed on her own feet.


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"Yield to my puppy power!"Scrappy knocked over the students trying to catch Scooby as Fred aand Velma were coming up with a plan.

"We gotta tip over the protoplasm vat." Velma said.

"How?" Fred asked.

"The pincer. Come on." Velma answered, as she ran but two guards help them captive. Fred grabbed some rope and started to swing it around. "You all need to step back, because Fredster's got his groove on." Fred swung the rope and hit the guards as they were coming his way.


Daphne was still fighting Zarkos kicking this time as Dina was still struggling with the lever and gave up. "It's all you Daphne." She exclaims.
Zarkos held her arms back and she kicked him in the face making Zaekos flip her over and fell to her back.

Zarkos went to some wires and was going to flatten her but Dina quickly pulled her away and Zaekos ended up hurting his elbow.


"Got you!" Scrappy grabbed Scooby who whimpered a bit. "You look so much bigger on TV." That caused Scooby to grab Scrappy's nose causing Scrappy to throw him off and sneezed all over him.

When Scooby was back, Shaggy grabbed Scooby and pulled him into a sort of honeycomb underground.

Fred was still whipping the ropes at the minions and they fell back.


Zarkos ened up nearly missing Dina's head if it wasn't for Daphne grabbing her and ended up kicking the shank in and Dina closed the glass door in Zarkos's face and Daphne went to hit in the face but Zarkos caught her hand and pushed her aside.


There were large holes over top of them, so they could see Scrappy but he was too big to come down and get them. "Come back here, you lazy beatnik."

The two of them were backing up and accidentally knocked into something, or someone: Maryjane.

She pinned Shaggy and Scooby by the necks, forcing them against the honeycomb wall.

"Crud." Shaggy choked out.

"Told you so." Scooby breathed. Maryjane breathed on Shaggy, but Shaggy looked like he was in heaven.

"Like wow." Shaggy giggled and Maryjane passed Scooby to Scrappy.
"Give me the dog!" Scrappysaid and laughed.

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