(V.D) Daphne's Spirit Thingy

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(I have just recently added this chapter on my Quotev account so I could do this chapter without skipping it. Also Leah isn't in this chapter so bare with me on it.)

°•° means switch

Warning: absorbing a soul

They got to the Spookapalooza area again and stopped. Maryjane and Shaggy were cheering and hugging.
Scooby started barking at Maryjane and she looked taken back.

"Scooby, what are you doing, man?" Shaggy asked, confused.

"Mary Jane is a man in a mask." Scooby exclaimed but Scooby used motions about it.

"Mary Jane is a man in a mask?" Shaggy chuckled.

"Scooby." Maryjane said acting hurt. She tried to get near them but Scooby barked again.

"What are you doing, man? Step off, Scoob!" Shaggy jumped in between her and Scooby.

"Shaggy, you're whipped!" Scooby now on his high feet standing like a human.

"I'm whipped?! Oh, yeah! Why don't you say that to my face, man?" Shaggy hissed at his dog.

"Okay, I will! Your mommy eats cat poop!" Scooby exclaims pointing a finger at Shaggy.

"No, Scooby-Doo, your mom eats cat poop!" Shaggy said, pointing at Scooby.

Shaggy and Scooby scrabble for a bit until Shaggy said. "You want a piece of the Shagster? Feel the pain, Scoob." Scooby backed away and was standing under the mouth of a monster.

"Come on! Two shots! Two shots! Me and you, me and you again. I'll give you some right now, buddy." Shaggy shouts and they throwing fists but they both missed.

Right before Shaggy could hit Scooby, Scooby fell into a dark hole, screaming.

Scooby both fell into a huge tunnel. Shaggy looked down into it and called out for them. "Scoob!" But there was no answer back.

Shaggy got to his feet and turned to Maryjane. "You stay here, I'll be right back." He ordered Maryjane.

"No, Shaggy!" Maryjane said but her voice was deeper and Shaggy looked back at her. "I mean, it's too dangerous."

"I've got to! He's, like, my best pal." Maryjane's eyes soften at Shaggy's confession. "Friends don't quit!" Shaggy yelled as he dove into the hole, also screaming. He fell onto some sand in a cave.

Shaggy coughed and looked around and whispered. "Scoob?" He got up to his feet and looked around. "Scooby-Doo, where are you? Scoob?" Shaggy called out but nothing.


Daphne got kidnapped from Zarkos and now was held captive on some type of a throne with her hands tied on the armchairs. "You snuck up on me, you jerk! Let me out!" She shouts. Shaggy arrived and hid behind a wall while watching on what's going to happen to Daphne.

A pincer came up and shined really bright in Daphne's eyes. "Oh, this can't be good." The pincer got closer and Daphne kept on saying. "No, no, no, no. Oh no." The pincer was right near her chest and started to pull the bright orb on Daphne's chest. "NOOOOOOOOO!" The pincer out what seemed to be Daphne's spirit and Daphne let out a small moan as her head fell forward, passed out.

Shaggy watched in horror, he was panting and almost whimpered.

Daphne's spirit gasped. "Hey, put back my spirit thingy, that's so uncool and you're messing up my hair." The spirit is kinda complaining. It was making Zarkos chuckle. "You're a jerk. Capital J E." The soul and whatever was in that big bowl of whatever was in it. But one last word came out and a sound like a smeared "Jerk!"

A monster came out of a opening and creaked over to Daphne's unconious body. It lifted Daphne's chin and it forced to open Daphne's mouth and the monster made a weird noise and smiled. The monster pulled out this odd sparkly white noisy orb out of Daphne's mouth and when it got to the monster, it started to fade and got smaller to make weird specs to enter into Daphne's mouth.

Whom mouth's still open and began to fidget, moving her hands and a bit of her head. When the monster was fully in our body. Daphne had this really sinister evil look on her face.

 Daphne had this really sinister evil look on her face

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"Daph." Shaggy whispered/whimper.

Two henchmen unlocked the restraints and Daphne or maybe I should say, demon moved its hands to the side and said two names in a sinister voice. "Awkward, blank Norman."

The people in the cave started to move out and Shaggy mutters, "Scoob?" He panted and whimpered.

When everyone was gone, Shaggy shuttered and quickly moved out.

753 Words

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