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 The next morning, I went back to see Robby and this time, Sensei Kreese was there too

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The next morning, I went back to see Robby and this time, Sensei Kreese was there too.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him as Robby looks at the both of us.

"Hello, son." Sensei Kreese says to him and I sit down beside him.

"Ariana, I thought I told you I didn't want to see you anymore." He tells me and Sensei Kreese shakes his head.

"That's no way to speak to a girl. She just wants to be your friend, Robby." He tells Robby and I'm impressed that he would stand up for me.

"Well, I don't want her here." Robby tells him and he looks at me before looking back at Robby.

"What did Ariana ever do to you to make you hate her so much?" Sensei Kreese asks him and Robby sits down in front of us.

"Karate comes too easy to her and she's on the gymnastics team at school now. She's given karate up." Robby tells him and I shake my head.

"No, I haven't. I'm joining Miyagi-Do and I'm still on the Gymnastics team. Xander is training at Cobra Kai. We are making it work. Our relationship. I love him with all my heart and I'm not letting a little karate dojo rivalry come between us." I tell him as I took my black leather jacket off and he looks at my scars. Sensei Kreese looks at them too.

"Robby, Ariana stood between Sam and Tory at that school fight and she suffered the consequences for that. But, she is a fighter. She stood up for what she believed in and she got hurt in the process. Let me tell you about your dad. He was always a scrapper. But the moment I knew he was the real deal was his first All Valley. He made the quarters, but he drew a kid named Vidal. Now Vidal was a third-generation black belt. Very skilled. Way beyond Johnny, at the time. Your old man lost. But he didn't make it easy. And I saw that look in his eye that he would never let that happen again." Sensei Kreese tells a very uninterested looking Robby and I shook my head.

"Cool story. Try telling it to someone who gives a crap." Sensei Kreese laughs at him as I slam my hands on the table and everyone turns to look at us.

"Settle down, Miss Silver, sit down before they kick us out. You're his son, all right." Sensei Kreese tells me and I shake my head as I look down at Robby.

"Don't even worry about it, Sensei Kreese. I'm outta here. Me. Him. We'll never be friends again." I tell them as I turn around and I walk out of the building before I go home.


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