Bad Eggs

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The next day, I trained by myself and everyone knew by my mood that I didn't want to be messed with

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The next day, I trained by myself and everyone knew by my mood that I didn't want to be messed with. I punched and kicked the punching pads in front of me when my father walks up behind me. I did my signature kick and I landed on my feet with a light bounce.

"Why aren't you warming up with the rest of your teammates, Ariana?" My father asked him and I turned around to see my classmates going through the warmup exercises.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Dad. I've been a bit in my head today and they knew not to mess with me. Dad, I love karate, I do. But, the pressure that I'm under and to be absolutely flawless at it. It's tiring. I feel like I have to be perfect at everything. It's too much pressure being the star all the time and being in the spotlight." I tell him as he crosses his arms.

"Join your teammates now, Ariana. We'll talk about this later." He tells me and I walk over to Tory and Devon. I stand in between them as we do the warmup exercises.

"They're really pushing us hard lately. Seems like we're getting ready to fight, but who are we fighting?" Devon turns to look at me and I look at Tory before we go back to our training. "How was your talk with your Dad?" Devon asked me and I sighed.

"Uh, not great, Devon. I think I'm in trouble." I tell her and she looks at me.

"He'll come around, Ariana. He can't stay mad at you forever. You're his daughter." Tory tells me as I smile at her before looking over at Kenny and Kyler.

"Thanks, Tory. I appreciate that." I tell her and we stop talking to focus on our training. "My father and Sensei Kim are up to something and it involves me. I know it does. I'm just not sure that I'm happy about it." They both look at me as I continue my training and then I stop to look at them.

"You want to leave Cobra Kai?" Tory asks me and I shake my head.

"No, I don't. I just don't wanna be in the spotlight anymore and I think I'm stuck there." I tell them and I sighed before was all go back to our trainings. My father and Sensei Kim emerge from his office before they gather us around.

"Leaders and followers. Cobra Kai, like a military unit, needs both to function successfully. So...we're gonna divide you up into pairs." My father says and he narrows his eyes at me.

"The goal of each pair is to score a point against an opponent who outmatches you. Only strong leadership will allow you to prevail." Sensei Kim says as she narrows her eyes at me too.

"Sensei Kim will take the girls. Boys, you'll stay here and spar with Sensei Odell. All right. Split up." We split up into our groups and I notice a blindfold in Sensei Kim's hand and I've got a bad feeling about this. "Let's get this started. Our first pair, a leader and a follower...Mr. Park, Mr. Payne." My father calls out Kenny and Kyler. They both step on the mats and they begin to fight Sensei Odell. Kenny groans as Sensei Odell kicks him and Kyler gets mad at him. My father gets mad at them and they are told to get off the mat. Sensei Kim steps forward with the blindfold in her hands.

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