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I was currently being birthed and felt great pain, whoever gets reincarnated and didn't feel any pain from birth are either omnipotent or not real

My crying halted when I felt a warm feeling around me, a comfortable feeling telling me that I don't need to worry

I opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful woman I have ever met in my life, well, past life, I assume she was my mother because of how gigantic she is

I opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful woman I have ever met in my life, well, past life, I assume she was my mother because of how gigantic she is

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So this is Rhea, the queen of the titans and the titaness of motherhood, she is certainly beautiful

Wait, what am I thinking? That's my mother. Well there isn't really any restrictions in this world, so I guess I'll add her as one of my wives, hehehe

Anyways, right after my mother picked me up, there was a titan and he said that the king wants to see my mother to the throne room with me

I assumed it was Chronos AKA my father who wanted to see me/ eat me

My mother looked hesitant but she still did so, she brought me to a golden throne room and on the throne was a large burly middle aged man wearing a white toga and had an orange brown beard, he was in my opinion, too old to be the husband of my mother

My mother looked hesitant but she still did so, she brought me to a golden throne room and on the throne was a large burly middle aged man wearing a white toga and had an orange brown beard, he was in my opinion, too old to be the husband of my mo...

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I couldn't hear properly so I couldn't hear what my parents were talking about

Rhea POV

I brought Hades with me, delicately carrying him on my arm with a cold expression on my face

My husband stood up on his throne and made his way towards me, he looked at our child

"He has a godly aura, even stronger than that of us titans"

He said then grabbed my child, I tried avoiding but he used his divinity on me to freeze me, he then grabbed Hades and looked at him before swallowing him


I screamed then used my domain, I then fired at his stomach which caused him to cough up blood but in the end, he overpowered me

I cried and cried non stop for 3 years when that happened

Hades POV

I was currently in the esophagus of my father, falling down and it surprisingly took me a while month to fall on his stomach

The stomach acid of my father burned my skin and face but I healed, then burned again, and then healed, it was a very painful process but I managed to gain complete immunity towards it in time, this also made me immune towards any poison, including poison that could kill gods and titans

A few decades have gone by and I have gained the body of an adolescent

I drank ambrosia and some food my father ate every day to have my fill

Then, I decided that I don't want to live in this ocean of acid anymore so I will be using one of my abilities called Creation, this was an ability every god or goddess might possibly have because this is outside of my domain as the ruler of the underworld, and I don't remember copying anything

The reason I didn't use this before is because ut takes a long time and I didn't want to waste my time when I could be training my powers and abilities

After a year, I finally created an island the size of Hawaii, it took me this long because I never used Creation before

Once I got on the island, I used my Creation ability again and tried mastering it, thankfully it only took me another decade to master it, and now I could make anything instantly except for magical items, those would take me about 3-5 seconds, some would be hours depending on how strong it would be

During this decade, I have grown into a teenager's body and created many monsters and beasts to be my training partner and it was very effective, my powers, weaponry, and physical prowess increased almost a hundred fold, well anything would be better then to meditate in a pool of strong painful acid

After being done with my training for the day, I heard a loud crying and smirked, so it's finally time for some company huh

I looked at the esophagus and saw something small wrapped around white cloth, I used my darkness to let her land safely on the island instead of the stomach acid of my father

Wrapping my arms around her, I then looked at her and felt warm around her, I then tended to her so that she would stop crying

After a few hours, she finally stopped crying and once I looked at her sleeping face, I felt happy that I finally have some company around here, I'm sure I would be happy watching her do baby things and watch her grow

I've never been a parent but I took care of my sister when she was a baby until she was an adult, my parents were always busy so I was the one to take care of her

Another few decades have gone by with me training with the monsters I made while also helping Hestia train her powers

Hestia had already grown up into her teenager form but thankfully, she wasn't rebellious, I've also grown to my peak form, I knew this because I stopped aging decades ago, I had a manly face with an awesome build and a beard, I never really like beards, especially when I saw my father, but it suits me so I'll keep it

(Check the Bio if you wanna see his face)

I've also conjured up some equipment I would use for the upcoming war between the gods and the titans, I should always be prepared, especially when I might die in it

Hestia learned how to control and produce fire from nothing, she could also use explosion on beings, no minor god, demigod nor titan could withstand her attack, because of it being as hot as the surface of the sun itself, but I don't know, maybe t...

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Hestia learned how to control and produce fire from nothing, she could also use explosion on beings, no minor god, demigod nor titan could withstand her attack, because of it being as hot as the surface of the sun itself, but I don't know, maybe they can, I've never really met anyone from the outside so I wouldn't know how strong they are, all we can do is to train hard and fught for survival

Suddenly, a hydra I made ambushed us and it was about to bite Hestia bit I raised my palm and aimed it at the hydra, then used my father's power to stop it from moving

Slowly but surely, I had been copying my father's power just by sensing him using it, I also copied Hestia's control over fire and combined it with my own, when I did, I could use fire and flames even without oxygen, I could even make flames even hotter than that of a blue sun which is the hottest colored sun in all of the universe

My shadow control, darkness control, fire, ice, creation and all my other abilities increased on a terrifying degree too, I am sure that I could beat my father in a one on one combat, even with his scythe that could slice through anything

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