Greek Mythology was always a very messed up story, incest, parents eating their children, husbands eating their wives, having sex with animals and even giving birth to animals, to people, gods were just but they were evil, at least they were the emb...
Hestia had finally grown into a fine woman, a beautiful one
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She was a little bit clingy and was also innocent but not too much, she was cold hearted when it comes to her enemies but she hesitates when it comes to me, her powers had now fully bloomed because her flames could reach the heat equal to that of lightning, which is even hotter than the sun
We were currently taking care of Demeter, she was really caring of her and me, her only weakness is she would do anything to protect her family, and she would always side with them even if they were wrong
I taught Demeter how tk control the plants life around her when she could easily walk speak
"Demeter, your divinity is harvest, in other words, plants, think of connecting yourself to the earth and feel the plants growing on them"
I said then she did exactly as I told her, she bent down and put her hands on the ground and closed her eyes, I could feel her easily connecting herself with the vegetation and other plants on the island I have created
She looked tired so I placed my hand on her shoulder and told her that it was enough
The most she could do was to grow grass on where she touched, but I don't need to worry, we still have a few centuries before Zeus frees us from this paranoid titan's belly
I trained her nature ability, I also taught her agriculture, she was very interested in that subject but she absolutely hated manure, I told her that it was for the better growth of plants and she surprisingly agreed to me easily, so this means she trusts me
A few more decades have passed and Demeter has now fully grown, she had two beautiful bark like horns on both sides on her head
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She reminded me of a dryad
Anyways, now the last of the female children of Cronus has arrived, the wife of Zeus and the queen of the Olympian gods, Hera, the goddess of women, marriage, family and childbirth
Hera and Hestia were both very tied to family because of their domains and divinities as goddesses of family, so I guess Hera might be the same with Hestia, caring of her family