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Poseidon has finally grown to his peak, it was dissapointing too that he looked just like Cronus

Poseidon has finally grown to his peak, it was dissapointing too that he looked just like Cronus

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He could ccontrol thunder, the ocean and earthquakes, as well as storms

The rock that mother had used to  disguise Zeus had already arrived a few years ago and my siblings were confused about it

I analyzed the stone and it seems that it was a rock directly from the body of the titaness of the Earth, Gaia, our grandmother, I knew that because I talked to her and asked for her assistance but she refused and stayed neutral, even though he would help Zeus, she would still not participate in the war

The stone was imbued with divinity, strong divinity, rivalling my own, which confused me because usually, Gaia would be so much stronger because of her being born from Chaos and being a primordial deity, the only explanation is that I have become as strong as a primordial deity

Anyways, I started using my powers to the best of my ability and imbue this stone with the best enchantments, I then started forging it and after a while, I made a sword that could kill anyone with just a graze from it, even the gods and titans, it could also cut many foes with one strike, a miximum of a hundred enemies, this could even cut divinity attacks

Anyways, I started using my powers to the best of my ability and imbue this stone with the best enchantments, I then started forging it and after a while, I made a sword that could kill anyone with just a graze from it, even the gods and titans, i...

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Just the aura coming from it would leave weak titans and gods to the brink of madness, good thing me and my siblings were amongst the strongest

I also made a sheathe for this to seal away it's aura, so that Cronus won't suspect anything, well, he was probably already suspecting something when I accidentally cut open his stomach back then

"What was that brother?!"

Hestia screamed while running towards me

"I just made a weapon from materials"

"That was not normal"

WE are not normal

"Anyways, what are the other 3 doing?"

I asked to Hestia who was still catching her breath

"Poseidon is trying to create some monsters like you did with no results again, Demeter is tending to the crops we are growing while Hera is training"

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