Titanomachy III

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Our battle continued but our numbers were slowly decreasing, we had no choice but to retreat

Even if we are powerful, we can be defeated if we are outnumbered

There's also no guarantee that we would survive like in the myth because I am here, it might jabe changed not just my fight but all of ours

A few years have now gone by, during these years, I have recruited many gods, my best is Thanatos, the god of death and the child of 2 primordials, if I'm correct, Raven is supposed to be her sister

Thanatos was really silent, he would usually nod or shake his head but in some situations he would speak, but his voice damn scary, even to gods

There were also the three furies of vengeance


I was currently discussing the next course of action we would take against Cronus, if he manages to repair his scythe then we are done, the only thing that could rival his scythe was my sword, anything else than that would be divine weapons, and those could only currently be made by the cyclops and hecatoncheires, if only Hephaestus was here

"Lord Hades, someone has requested your presence"

A god that barged in the tent said

"And who is it?"

I asked

"It is the three furies my lord"

Hmm, what do the three furies want with us, I know they were neutral, at least in the myth anyway

The god lead me to where the furies were waiting and they were currently in a tent

I went in and they immediately kneeled, they all looked like their Hades (Game) counterpart

"Lord Hades, we have come to aide you in the war between gods and titans"

The woman white hair said who I assumed to be Allecto

"Tell me, why are the three furies giving us gods aide in this war"

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"Tell me, why are the three furies giving us gods aide in this war"

"We have a grudge towards your father Lord Hades and we want Vengeance"

The woman with green hair said who I think is Tisiphone

The woman with green hair said who I think is Tisiphone

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