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A few weeks had passed since the Bombalurina Nightclub incident and Josuke, Jotaro and the others had managed to bust the Stand using bartender. The pompadour teen could sense that ever since Mirai confessed to him about her dark secret of what happened before she moved to Morioh. Is there someone out there, wanting revenge on her? Was that person related to the mean girl whom Strange Magic struck, sending her to a mental institution?

'How in the hell did all this happen? I thought her move to Morioh would help her in keeping safe but I'm definitely wrong. First Rui, then Barzotti. Whoever's after Mirai, I hope they don't make both Angelo and Yoshikage Kira look like gentlemen.'

Josuke reflected back to that time when he was interrogating Rui. He heard those very words, she spat, sounding like a feral animal.

'I'll never tell you who recruited me. But hear me out. You must beware the Stand that will have you on trial, for you'll be in for a sentence, you'll wish you'll never have!'

What could this possibly mean? Was that person who recruited Rui and Barzotti, really out for revenge, targeting Mirai? What kind of Stand would they have that would put someone on trial?

Questions he now feared, would never be answered. The same for his beloved and his friends.


"I just can't believe he messed up too!"

A loud angry female voice screamed from a room in the grand hotel. It was followed by the sound of something being thrown against a wall and smashed.

"First that foolish teen, now that bastard bartender...I want that little harlot dead..I don't care who I'll have to go through..I'LL MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!"

Outside the door, Jotaro was on his way back to his hotel room, when he heard that wicked tirade.

'Good grief. I don't have time to deal with unruly guests...'

He was stopped in his tracks as if he sensed something. Stand related or not, something would not be right. Turning to the door, he pressed his ear to the wood, to listen in.

"Ever since you were sent to the hasn't been the same..I couldn't visit you...I couldn't spend time with you...I feel like I lost you..." The tone of voice took on a more sinister tone. "Well, I'll make that girl pay. She is in for trial and I know just the perfect person for leverage..."

Jotaro's eyes widened in horror as he turned away from the door.

"I must alert Josuke at once. We've got a way worse enemy than the last two."

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