A Candy Coloured Clown They Call The Sandman

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"Oh great. No way, I'm getting embarrassed."

Mirai was in such a rush, having woke up early and checked her calendar. She felt uncomfortable as she knew what day it was today. It was her parents' wedding anniversary. She felt so happy for them, celebrating another year of their marriage but it would be the most embarrassing for her. She got washed, dressed, had breakfast and made her way out the door as quickly as she come, even saying goodbye to her grandmother.

"Phew. Made it out." She sighed in relief. "Least I won't have to deal with dad."

Preparing to embark for school, she spotted Josuke, Koichi and Okuyasu approaching. They were taking a different route around Jōzenji Road. "Oh hey Josuke, Koichi, Okuyasu." She greeted the three boys.

"Morning Mirai. You're up early." Koichi replied.

Mirai sweat dropped a little as she replied, trying not to sound awkward. "Well, you could say that, seeing as it's my parents' wedding anniversary today."

Okuyasu's eyes widened. "Whoa, really?"

"Yeah." Admitted Mirai. "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for them but..."

Without warning, Mirai was cut off by the sound of Kenshiro serenading Sumika by singing a rendition of 'You Are So Beautiful To Me', loudly albeit badly.

Mirai was extremely embarrassed. "See what I mean?"

The boys understood what she meant as she hid her face in her hands in embarrassment, feeling ashamed.

"BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! YOUR SINGING SUCKS!!!!" Okuyasu started booing loudly at Kenshiro's singing. Josuke panicked and he and Koichi both tried to get Okuyasu to stop. Mirai still felt embarrassed.

Kenshiro paused in his singing, upon hearing the scar faced teen's heckling and turned to them. A look in his eyes made them feel like he was going to kill them as he cracked his knuckles as if preparing for a fight. "You got a problem with that, punk?" He asked, dangerously.

Koichi's eyes widened and his face turned pale in horror. "Oh no! We gotta go run!" He bowed quickly in apology before running. "Sorry, Mr. Hato, sir."

Mirai's embarrassed state faded as she felt Josuke grab her hand before running off with their friends in tow. Okuyasu also had a look of horror on his face as his booing ceased. "JOSUKE!! KOICHI!! LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!!!!"

And off they ran. Kenshiro watched onwards as the teens ran and disappeared out of sight and earshot, glaring at them all the way. "Teens, nowadays." He sighed.

Somewhere outside of Jōzenji Road, the four teens were catching their breath from running. Mirai would make a mental note to give her father a piece of her mind later on.

"Is everyone alright?" She asked, concerned for the boys' wellbeing.

"Man, that was a close call." Remarked Okuyasu.

Koichi nodded. "Yeah."

Mirai felt relief wash over her before her eyes trailed downward to find that her hand was held inside Josuke's. Her cheeks tinted pink, feeling his warm skin against hers. For someone who looked like a delinquent, his touch was so soft, it was such a tender feeling.

"Huh?" Josuke looked a little dumbfounded as he looked downwards and his eyes began to widen to the size of dinner plates, upon seeing his hand holding Mirai's. The pompadour styled teen jumped in embarrassment and released her. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod! I am so sorry!" He panicked, his cheeks an extreme shade of red.

Mirai smiled softly. "No, it's okay. I promise you, it's okay." She took a look at her hand, feeling something staring burgeoning inside of her. 'His hand is so warm...'

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